Big sister when wife

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 
  • Kazi Office I will marry you today (Rimjhim Apu)
  • What are you saying, your head is all right !! (I)
  • Why don't you marry me .. Am I bad looking? (Rimjhim Apu)
  • No, it's not. But i can't go with you
  • Or so. But i'll marry you (laughs)
    Rimjhim Apur's words in the sky In a way, I am looking at him
  • Hey, did you eat vyabacheka? I was just kidding you (Rimjhim Apu)
    I got a little cheaper after listening to my sister.
  • Where to go now (me)
  • I'll get you ready today (Rimjhim Apu)
  • I don't understand (I)
  • I mean you have to cut this hair strand. You look bad (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Don't worry I'm fine (I)
  • If you say you don't need it again, I will slap you and make your cheeks red (Rimjhim Apu)
    Listening to my sister's words, I became silent Then the two of them went out
    Rimjhim Apu is driving and I am sitting quietly
  • What is it that you are sitting quietly, say something ৷ (Rimjhim Apu)
  • What should I say? (I)


Rimjhim Apu took me to the salon and styled my hair Then the two of them went to the shopping mall

  • Why are you coming here? (I)
  • I will do shopping (Rimjhim Apu)
  • What will he buy? (I)
  • You say again! (Apu a little angry,)
  • Sorry. In fact, I prefer to say you (I)
  • I will break your teeth again (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Well, leave it out Buy it soon (I)
  • Who said I will buy for myself I will buy it for you (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Why buy my clothes? (I)
  • That's how I wanted it to be (Rimjhim Apu)


  • But I don't need anything (I)
  • Don't talk too much (Rimjhim Apu)
    Then Rimjhim Apu bought shirt and pants of her own choice I went and paid the bill
    Rimjhim Apu went to pay the bill and came back
  • Who is asking you to pay the bill? (Rimjhim Apu)
  • My thing so I paid the bill (I)
  • Why am I asking you to pay (Rimjhim Apu)
  • No, I gave it like that (I)
  • If you do Paknami another day, then I will understand Let's go now (Rimjhim Apu)
    Rimjhim apu did not say anything
    Apu is not talking even after going to the restaurant There is an impression of anger on the face Rimjhim Apu is slowly controlling my life At first it seemed bad, but now his rule is very good Some old memories are waking up
  • Are you still angry? (I)


  • Chup (sister)
  • I'm sorry I didn't understand what happened (I)
  • It's over and you don't have to say sorry (Rimjhim Apu)
    Then I came out after eating and drinking
    I did not go to pay the bill? I don't have a hobby of eating gossip for free Rimjhim apu dropped me off at home and left
    I did not leave the house in the afternoon So I ate at night and fell asleep
    I woke up in the morning after hearing the phone ringtone I took the phone in my hand and saw that my sister had given the phone
  • Say hello sister (I)
  • Where are you? (Rim Apu)
  • Why at home (me)
  • Early campus income 6 (Rimjhim Apu)
    I went to college fresh As soon as he entered the college, many people looked at him How do you feel about yourself !!
    Because I have changed my style The naughty boy has come to college today in a smart way, so maybe everyone is looking at him
    I started looking for Rimjhim Apu


After a while I saw Apu walking towards the academic building with three or four daughters I called 6

  • Rimjhim apu! (I)
    He heard my call and looked back I went to them
  • Where to go? (I)
  • Chup (sister)
  • The boy is very cute to see !! (Rimjhim Apur's girlfriend)
    Rimjhim Apu then looked at his girlfriend with an angry look
  • You are what I am talking to you later (Apu Rimjhim said to his girlfriends)
    Rimjhim Apur's friends saw her face and realized that she was a hubby, so she left without saying anything.
  • This boy looks so cute not to see you (said a friend of Rimjhim Apur on the way)
    Rimjhim Apu went to the square and sat down
    I sat at a distance of two The two of them are sitting quietly
    Who knows why he is so angry I didn't tell you today But Rimjhim Apu looks very cute with an angry look.
    I have noticed in a few days that when Rimjhim Apu gets angry, her cheeks turn red
  • Why is sister so angry today? (I)
  • Chup (sister)
  • You are not saying what happened. If I didn't tell you today, then you are angry that (I)
  • Will anyone come to you? (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Who will come to me again? (I)
  • Then why are you sitting in such a large space? (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Hey, if you sit next to everyone will have a negative mind. No one will think that you are my sister (I)
    Rimjhim Apu grabbed my collar and pulled me to her side
  • Tell me what you think (Rimjhim Apu)
  • You are supposed to be my senior (I)
  • Another day, if you have talked about this Abal Marka, then I will let you know where the bull is (Rimjhim Apu)
    Then Rimjhim Apur's girlfriend came from where and sat next to Zeno
    Then what did Rimjhim Apu do.


  • Another day, if you have talked about this Abal Marka, then I will let you know where the bull is (Rimjhim Apu)
    Then Rimjhim Apur's girlfriend came from where and sat next to Zeno
    Then Rimjhim Apu did what she did
    Rimjhim apu became angry and became fire
    He sat next to me holding my hand
  • Ayesha, you are here! (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Why can't you come or not? (Ayesha)
  • Am I saying that or not (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Actually, I don't feel good alone, so I went to talk to you (Ayesha)
  • She did very well (Apu chuckled angrily)
  • Who is the boy? (Ayesha)
  • Let me introduce you This is your elder sister Ayesha in Riyadh. From today, I will respect her like a big sister. And Ayesha is in Riyadh. I will see him as my brother from today (Rimjhim Apu)
  • What are you talking about (Ayesha Apu)
  • That's right (Rimjhim Apu)
    I'm just listening to them Then Ayesha Rimjhim took Apu to the south What are you two talking about, but from a distance I understand that they are arguing a lot ...
    At one stage, Rimjhim Apu did not know and Ayesha Apu left and Apu came to me !!
  • It takes so long to come talk (I)
    He sat quietly beside him
  • What happened is you are not saying that (I)
  • Listen, you will not come to college from tomorrow! (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Why not come? (I)
  • Then Ayesha can't talk to you (Rimjhim Apu)
  • But what's the problem with talking? (I)
  • There is no need to talk about problems (Rimjhim Apu)
  • If I don't talk, then what happened to not coming to college (me)
  • You will not talk to Ayesha about that ৷ It's okay not to talk to any girl and if I see then your day is my one day (Rimjhim Apu)
    I can't think what to say. Rimjhim Apur's behavior surprised me a lot
  • Talk about what happened. Remember? (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Hmm there (I)
  • This is a good boy. Now in class (Rimjhim Apu)
    Rimjhim apu went to her class. I went to my class In this way, several days passed Rimjhim Apu started to run my life like her own As a relative does I have given the right to do all this to Rimjhim Apu from my own mind long ago. Because in my mind I have fallen in love with Rimjhim Apu a lot I have tried to explain this mind of mine many times. I can't go with him. But the mind did not obey and ran to him I know that the day I tell Rimjhim Apu about my love may be over and I don't want that so I will fall in love with her silently. I will never claim my love for him Maybe in the end my love will stay in one corner later Thinking about the words, my mind became bad
  • Why are you sitting like this upset? (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Nowhere. (I)
  • Do not lie. (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Not so much sister. (I)
  • Well omit. Let me introduce you to someone (Rimjhim Apu)
    I went with Rimjhim Apu. Rimjhim Apu called Zeno by phone
    After a while a boy came with a bike
    Ronnie is in Riyadh. My cousin and Ronnie are in Riyadh (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Oh how are you 6 (I)
  • Hello. You then Riyadh (Ronnie)
  • Hmm. Do you know me (I)
  • No. But I have heard a lot about you in Rimjhim's face. At this age you walk alone, it's not a good thing everyone can (Ronnie)
  • My father used to say that when no one is around, you have to get up and stand up. I can't find anyone beside me when I get up. So I have to learn to walk by myself and I have learned to walk alone I will learn to stay alone in the days ahead (I)
    After saying that, Apu Rimjhim looked at me Then I sat in three and talked a lot Rimjhim Apu went home on Ronnie's bike and I came to my house Ronnie will wear it to our college from now on. The next day I woke up fresh and went out to college.
    Before entering the college, I went to the tea shop and ordered a cup of tea. I bought a cigarette when the tea came.
    Rimjhim apura phone 7
  • Hello (me)
  • Where are you? (Rimjhim Apu)
  • That's all I'm going to do (I)
  • Quick income 6 (Rimjhim Apu)
    I went to college after drinking tea and cigarettes
    Rimjhim Apu is sitting in one corner of the field
    I went a little away from Rimjhim Apur and sat down Rimjhim apu came to me I am silent
  • How many times have I told you not to smoke (Rimjhim Apu)
  • You may leave one day. But this tie may stay by my side Hearing my words, he looked at me silently for a while
  • Don't you understand anything (Rimjhim Apu)
  • Why don't I understand again (me)
  • Nothing. (Rimjhim Apu)
    Rimjhim apu sat down in a bad mood
    I silently looked at his magical face Then my sister got up and left without saying anything I called from behind but did not hear He got in his car and sat down
    I stood on the side of the car After a while, the car window opened The eyes are red
  • Get up and take it down at home (Rimjhim Apu)
    I sat up. Rimjhim apu dropped me off and left He will speak a thousand times when he comes the next day, but he did not say a word today After that I did not go to college for a week due to work pressure
    A week later.


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