Horn of plenty, Black chanterelle or Black trumpet (Craterellus cornucopioides) - The mushroom can reach a size of up to 120 mm in height and 60 mm in diameter. It has a characteristic shape of a funnel, a trumpet. The trumpet is hollow, all the way to the ground. The outer surface of the fungus is usually black with age, fading to black-brown. The inner surface is gray, blue-gray, it is wrinkled. The hat is folded on the outside.
The flesh is thin, black. It is quite fragile. The mushroom has a very pleasant mushroom aromatic smell, mild flavor.
Occurrence: The fungus is quite common, it occurs in deciduous forests under beech trees, in groups. It appears in August and grows until November.
Value: very tasty edible mushroom with a pleasant aroma. Suitable for drying, it does not lose its aromatic smell. It is also perfect for pickling in vinegar.