Jurassic inventions Pluteus atromarginatus - a very rare edible mushroom

in blurtlife •  3 months ago 

Today, some unusual mushrooms from my trip to the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. One of such mushrooms is the very rare Pluteus atromarginatus. I met him for the first time in my life. This specimen is difficult to spot because it most often grows alone.

While walking in the forest to collect edible mushrooms, it is difficult to hunt something interesting and new in the thicket of plants and many species of different mushrooms. This time it happened. The main reason for spotting this mushroom was its physical characteristics. It sparkled in the sun like a piece of glass. When I picked it, the blades of this mushroom behaved similarly - they shimmered with different colors when the angle of sunlight changed. I was intrigued by this mushroom, so I decided to write about it.

There was no problem with the diagnosis, because it appears in all kinds of encyclopedias about mushrooms. However, what surprised me was the fact that I had been going to these places for over 25 years, and only now I spotted a rare species. The joy was much greater than after finding boletus edulis.

This mushroom is quite interesting. Although the characteristic scales on the surface of his hat were not visible after the night's rainfall, the dark brown color of the hat caught my attention. Normally, the cap of this mushroom is scaly, and visible villi are visible. When young it is semicircular, with age it becomes spread.

The distinguishing feature of this mushroom is its gills. They shine beautifully with rainbow colors in the sunlight. They are whitish or pink in color, with clearly visible black tips on the edges.

The leg is cylindrical, thick with a bulbous end. Ba is white in color with distinct black inclusions in the form of villi. The flesh is grey-white with a very pleasant smell and taste. The mushroom is edible, but due to its rarity, it is not recommended to collect it for culinary purposes.

The mushroom is a rare species. It appears singly from summer to autumn, and its habitat is the decaying remains of coniferous trees.

Along the way, a lot of nice species of mushrooms fell into the camera lens, but the presentation will be in the next posts.

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