The mushroom can reach a size of up to 13-15 cm in height (about 11 cm can be on a leg). The hat, although it is sometimes difficult to separate, can be up to 5 cm in diameter. Its shape may be associated a bit with a real women's hat, beautifully creamy-white, folded, slightly transparent, airy, with a rolled up edge adorning a lady in a white dress. Some people associate it with the saddle, but I will stick to my version. The hat is not fused with the stem, the top is white and smooth, while the bottom is slightly rough.
The leg is usually white or slightly cream, milky, translucent, up to 11 cm high. The whole is fluted longitudinally, often twisted, where characteristic recesses and chambers are visible. It widens at the base. Flesh crisp and elastic at the same time, whitish, milky-transparent, indefinite taste, mild, has no perceptible smell.
Occurrence - they can be found from July to October, individually, sometimes in small groups, mainly in deciduous forests, sometimes in mixed forests. Mostly close to forest roads, in thickets. It grows on the ground.
Application: edible after boiling. Opinions differ on this subject because it is generally not poisonous. But it is worth asking yourself, why get this mushroom if it has no special nutritional value. Unless we want something exotic on the plate that looks a bit like squid meat.