Mushrooms on my walking trails in the park - Shaggy mane

in blurtlife •  3 months ago 

You don't have to go far to the forest to find mushrooms on your way. My favorite park has an abundance of them.

It is true that the Silesian Park covers over 600 hectares, most of which is made up of various trees, and even edible mushrooms are not uncommon here.

Of course, I don't buy them for the kitchen, because the place is in the center of the agglomeration, where the soil is rather polluted, and there are a lot of people walking their dogs, so I skip such delicacies. Still, taking photos of these species is quite enjoyable.

Today I encountered several species on my way. The first of them is the Shaggy mane. Of course, they won't please the eye for long, because soon there will be some spoiled child who will kick the mushroom and that's all they saw. However, I managed to find some copies in a secluded place and capture them in photos.

I found the mushroom in various stages of development. This is not a problem because it grows in groups and individual phases can be observed even in a small group.

When it is young, it is of course edible and very tasty, especially when fried in butter. But I'm more interested in his mature and senile state, when his hat turns into ink-colored goo. Before that, however, it takes on beautiful colors.

Another mushroom that grows in the same place every year is a certain arboreal species. Unfortunately, I can't identify it, but it always appears in the place of a once cut branch, and when properly lit, it looks like a stained glass window in a branch scar.

I didn't manage to photograph him in the first phase, when he was young. I wasn't around at the time. But the mature one also looks impressive.

Autumn has become colorful in the park, but you have to hurry to enjoy its colors. Some trees are covered with beautiful colors, others, unfortunately, are devoid of leaves.

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