The mushroom is about 2 to 6 cm wide and up to 10 cm high. Branched, bushy shape, with thin, densely arranged twigs growing from the base. The twigs usually grow vertically and are quite even. They can have different colors from pale yellow through cinnamon to brown.
The mushroom does not have a well-shaped hat, it consists practically only of a stem which branches at the top. The flesh is bitter and the smell is slightly sour. Most often, white and cream color, when damaged, it is brown, slightly maroon.
Occurrence. In Europe, the species is quite common. It is also found in the Americas, Africa, Australia and Asia. It has only been seen in Antarctica. The fungus likes all substrates in deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests. It does not grow in the ground, but on the remains of decaying trees, branches, old roots. Value: Inedible mushroom