The hat has a specific color, white, gray, gray, sometimes gray-white. It can reach a diameter of up to 25 cm, in young fruiting bodies it is semicircular, convex, in the older ones it is flattened. The skin is dull, dry and dull.
The tubes are yellowish, greenish, olive green when damaged with a purple hue.
The leg may be up to 12 cm high, yellow at the top to red violet at the bottom. Cylindrical, squat, full inside. It has a characteristic mesh.
The flesh is most often white, sometimes cream. When damaged, it acquires a blue or gray color. Pleasant, delicate mushroom flavor and aroma.
Occurrence: It appears in summer and grows until late autumn, mainly in deciduous, oak and beech forests. He likes warm and sunny places. Value Inedible mushroom.