I like sparrows, like all birds, except maybe magpies, but they have features that make me like other birds more.
Titmouse have class, at least the Great Tits and Blue Tits - they don't eat more than they need. They fly to the bench as if for a feast. They take a grain of some seed, sit on a branch and enjoy it. Sparrows and grey tits are real "Radom chicks". The grey titmouse stuffs as much as it can into its beak and then flies away to store it. The sparrow, on the other hand, eats as much as it can on the spot. Only when it notices a threat does it move away, and then not too quickly.
In the park, more and more sun on the sidewalks, because unfortunately less and less leaves. Warm, pleasant.
And at the end of the day, a sunset over the "Morocco" pond