Mushroom quite unusual. It resembles an insectivorous plant called sundew (Drosera anglica). The mushroom is initially spherical in shape, then becomes cup-shaped, and finally flattens out and becomes plate-shaped. It can be up to 20 mm in diameter. It does not have a foot.
The inner side of the mushroom is red, scarlet in color, dense eyelash-like hairs grow on the edges of the cup on the human eye. The hairs are usually up to 2 mm long, brown or black in color.
Occurrence: The fungus is very common, it can be found from early spring to late autumn. Most often it grows in clusters. It grows on old remnants of rotten wood, rotten leaves. Usage: Inedible mushroom
Scientific research has shown that it owes its extremely red, scarlet color to a very large amount of beta carotene