Always looking for something...

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

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I do not remember well how my wandering on different web platforms started, certainly the economic component played a fundamental role, but, however incentive it may be, there are certainly other springs, which keep me anchored in different sites, a proof has occurred yesterday...

I met another person, on another social network, like this, a comment, another comment, a private message, an answer, a little confidence, you discover something more, you feel, a lot, that there are similar life experiences , very similar, and we feel less alone, we feel that we are not alone, that other people are suffering like us, perhaps even more, perhaps less, certainly these lines of suffering are there, they exist, and they are many, too many, it would take more smiles, less pain, yet...

Yet the pain, the problems, the annoyances are inherent in life itself, they irreparably connote it, they leave traces, furrows, scars that time often, slowly but surely, tends to smooth, flatten, make more bearable, as they say...

  • Those who die are silent, those who live give themselves peace ... *, it is a sad truth, only to death there is no solution, that is inevitable, sooner or later, but while we are here, in this which is often a tears, it is right to try to live our existence to the fullest, and looking for emotions, sensations, instincts in other people is part of the game of life...

Of course, if we were completely satisfied by the people with whom we actually live these needs would be much more contained, or not, because it also depends a lot on the prediction of individuals, knowledge, curiosity are powerful engines and stimuli for our openness to the world...

I am happy to have crossed the path of this person, perhaps we will also talk by phone, communication has levels in succession, at least for what concerns me, the first stage is written messages, and in this case the misunderstandings are at agenda, then there is the telephone, where the voice plays a fundamental role, often this level is enough to understand each other and transmit great thoughts, because the voice makes emotions pass very well, with its nuances makes communication true, finally there is direct contact, where the apex of the transmission of information is reached, but it is not always possible and necessary, many interpersonal relationships stop at the first 2 stages and are very rewarding...

My writing for today is finished, it is the last day of the year, of a year that to define shit is simply an understatement, but in all the mess that surrounds us, every now and then finding some small contact flame to cultivate is not so bad, Happy 2021 to you all, from your heart, from your @ mad-runner...

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