Welcome minions, and thank you for taking the time out of your worthless day to spend it with me.
After much demand from my fellow elites to write about my thoughts and philosophical perspectives going forwards into the 21st century, I’ve finally agreed - and will now commit my vision to paper.
Or to the block chain, rather.
Using paper to commit my thoughts for others to read would be a waste of valuable resources - considering the types of people that will be reading about my outlooks on life.
Let me start with an overview of the world as it is now, and where we want it to go. (for the sake of brevity, when I see ‘we’, I refer to my fellow elites, not the likes of you lot, obviously).
...Coming out of the last century, one made up of turmoil, war, and inequality, we decided that it was time to implement change and this time around , do it very differently.
We understand the hardships that the serfs go through, day in and day out, just to eke out a living throughout a miserable life, and in this age of abundance we started to see clearer path for the world to be better place for all of us.
We realized that a true abundance for anyyone that matters,would necessitate a shift in demographics.
The wars and the famines in the last century might have helped some, but they 'never really finished the job off', as my good friend Bill would say.
And this is where we come in.
To finish the job off.
It must be said that Bill has contributed greatly in this vision so far, and his efforts must not go unnoticed.
It may seem as though genocide through chemical soup injections are a tad authoritarian, but you’d be wrong.
It’s a mercy killing at worst, but realistically speaking - it's far more of a blessing.
Would you really want to see your parents starving to death, slowly succumbing to malnutrition and a self realization of their worthlessness?
Of course you wouldn’t!
Chemical soup injections fixes this.
Where once you’d have to suffer two or three decades of struggle and strife, with the CSJ approach, you can look forwards to it all coming to a peaceful end, much sooner.
Plus, you'll also be contributing towards reducing carbon emissions, so you can rest in peace knowing that you’ve finally achieved something worthwhile in what would have been, most probably, be a very pointless existence.
We ask for no thanks in enabling this future , just the recognition that myself, Bill, Anthony, and our friends at the pharmaceutical companies, did our best.
Speaking of best, it’s important to remember that you’ll no longer have to be your best in the brave new world.
On the contrary, 'being your best' will be something that will come to be frowned upon.
Some people say that it’s the ‘striving to be you best ' mentality that got us where we are today, but they would be wrong.
It’s bureaucracy that responsible for all the great leaps forward in society.
Do you really think that the Holodomor could have happened without a fine tuned bureaucracy? Of course not.
Do you think we could have transitioned to digital feudalism without systems working tirelessly together to make your world a world of conformity ?
Of course not!
In our brave new world of 450 people (we don't count the minions in this number, as they’re not relevant), we’ll have no need to compete with each other, or to ‘do our best’ in life.
And neither will you.
Everything will be safely delivered to your doorstep each day, so that you don’t have to leave your pod, from birth to death.
We value your safety above all, and by making everything as efficient as possible - such as food deliveries - it then allows you more free time to produce electricity via your state allotted bicycle - one that’s been tailored to your specific needs, and is fully adjustable as you move through from childhood, into adolescence and finally, adult hood.
Not only that, but after your inevitable demise at 43.6 years , it then becomes an heirloom to pass down to your children (if you've been allowed to have any, due to the laws that we'll make up as we go along).
*The state will maintain all the material rights over the cycles upon death - of course - but just the thought of taking over the responsibility from your recently incinerated dad, will only add to the feelings of belonging to something bigger than all of us .
Please note that any incineration of parents does not mean taking time off cylcing. ('Zooming' is allowed).
....Before you know it, your little 10 years old legs will be peddling away as fast as they can manage, fondly remembering the days of watching your dad doing the same thing for all of his life.
I’m sure we can all agree this bright new future really is something to look forward to.
Due to the design of the pods that you’ll love to inhabit, we’ll also ensure that you receive no toxic chemicals permeating in, from the outside.
A sealed pod, is a happy pod.
We understand that you may be worried about contamination entering your home from the filthy private jest flying overhead, as the elites continue in their efforts to make things even better, but rest assured - your state of health matters to us more than you’ll ever know.
‘A unhealthy cyclists, is an inefficient cyclist’ and so we’ll do everything we can to keep you in tip top shape.
Electricity doesn’t produce itself, no matter what Tesla and the laws of physics say, and we know that when all of your needs are met, you’ll love nothing more than hopping onto that cycle for 9.4537 hours per day to contribute towards your fair share of the greater good.
Nothing is mandatory in this bright new future, and you’re free to do anything you wish as long as we approve (see 'the Hive experiment' at the end of this article).
...So if you don’t feel like producing any electricity that’s’ fine, you're free to do just as you wish in our new society.
Not only that, we’ll automatically adjust your meal sizes for you, taking into consideration the lack of calories that you’ve not used on the non-bike day.
Obesity was a main cause of death in the 20th century, (beside bullets, and a program called 'oprah') , and we don’t want to be responsible for that kind of carnage.
So rest assured, you won’t have to worry about you eating too much, just because you’re a lazy slob and parasite to society - as we’ll do all the calculations for you.
Law and order.
Law and order is very important of course , so we’ll ensure to make all the laws necessary so that order can be maintained.
We really like safety.
The evil police forces of the 20th century will become a thing of the past, with the introduction of ‘law droids’.
The law droids will be fully downloaded each day with all the latest laws that we pass, so you can sleep peacefully knowing that any transgression that you do make , will be dealt with in the most humane and benevolent manner - in a way that only a non sentient, non moral piece of metal can achieve.
Our morals are your morals, and we’re all in this together.
If you’d like to see the trial run of this benevolent new system in it’s trial stages, I’d suggest that you log onto the hive blockchain.
Mr Schwab , speaking at Hive fest.
There you can see all these systems I’ve just talked about, working perfectly together in harmony.
It' still in trial stages at the moment, and there some glitches than need to addressed - such as people who think that you 'cycle on the bike' in any direction that you bloody well feel like !
This bug is not a feature, it’s a bloody pain in the arse, but as you can see for yourself if you look over the pages, those choosing to ‘cycle their own way’ will soon be depleted of any calories, and we all know that potential hunger makes for an obedient and happy society.
Hive shows us the way forwards on so many levels.
*The illusion of striving to one day be able to join our club (t is also a glitch, not a feature - but we'll try to make the best of it until it’s fixed.
The hive experiment has also brought up an issue that we’d not fully understood about the minion.
It seems that you lot like to smile and laugh, which is ok , I suppose – but do you really think all those wasted calories spent laughing wouldn't be better spent be used cycling/writing, instead ?
Laughter is most certainly not necessary for a full and rich life – we seldom do it ourselves, and it hasn’t done any harm whatsoever.
Merriment is nice of course, but do you really think that you minions benefit from it ?
Studies have shown that a phenomenon called ‘clarity of cognition’ can sometimes follow sustained laughter, which can have disastrous consequences to our societal cohesion.
With the hive experiment, we’ve seen a suppression of all laughter via calorie depletion- and is easily achievable.
Not only that, as the hive environment reduces it’s ‘laughter to boring ratio’, all motivations to ‘do better’ are virtually gone, while the desire to fit in and be recognized and rewarded by your superiors (that’s us) increases dramatically.
Tomorrow, I’ll explain my thoughts on sex and relationships in our brave new world, and explain why you having neither of them really is for the best (apart from allotted procreation schedules).
The children really are our future, and these bikes won’t cycle themselves, you know.
Happy Hiving – you know it makes sense.
IMAGINE we were living in medieval times.... and you’d been invited to a royal banquet. 👑 🍷 🍲
The ones in charge were extremely keen to get you to drink the wine. They were very insistent. 👀
You’d probably assume the wine was poisoned.
“Drink this wonderful wine."
"No thank you."
"Be a good guest! Drink the wine. We uncorked it especially. It's a beautiful and rare vintage."
"No thank you. I appreciate the offer though."
"Drink the wine. It's very expensive but you can have a glass for free, and we'll give you an extra plate of supper."
"No I'm fine as I am.”
"Drink the wine and we'll feed your entire village for a week and reduce your taxes."
"Wow all that for wine? What's in it? Still, no thank you."
"We'll make you a Duke."
"Very generous but no thanks I'm content in my home."
“You are not anti-wine are you????”
“No I just don’t feel like drinking this wine this evening.”
"Drink the damn wine or we'll stop you working."
You notice they’re getting desperate now.
"We'll ban you from markets."
"Wow your tone has changed."
"Now you need to drink 3 glasses or we'll stop you riding your horse or seeing your family for the next year."
"Wait, what? 3 glasses? Can't see my family?"
"Did we say 3 glasses? We meant 3 bottles."
"3 bottles?"
"Yes...every few months we want you to drink 3 bottles of this particular wine we've prepared indefinitely for the next years."
Yes, or we'll try you for treason."
"Ok what is IN this damn wine that you are trying SO HARD to get everyone to drink it?"
"We can't tell you. Trade secret."
"It's poisoned isn't it?"
"No..it's...ummm...it's just really really good for you. It's um, special healing wine."
"Then why all the threats?"
"We just need you to... I mean we strongly encourage you to drink the wine so you don't miss out."
"But the Earl drank a glass and collapsed."
"No...like he was fine then had a glass then keeled over...he's still on the floor writhing. Look at him! His face is blue and he's clawing at his chest."
"Coincidence. Guards...please escort the Earl to his chambers. He's had too much wine."
"I knew it was the wine! What about the rest of the court? Half of them also collapsed after the wine."
"Those guests got ill from something else. Probably the chicken."
"All at the same time?"
"You sure do ask a lot of questions! Guards! Guards... get this man his wine."
"I don't want it. What if something happens to me after drinking it?"
"We're not liable for that."
"Not liable for the wine you produce? I definitely don't want it."
"Drink your wine so everyone else doesn't get a hangover."
"Huh? That makes no sense. Maybe if they didn't keep DRINKING they wouldn't get HUNGOVER in the first place?"
"Look at these paintings of people drinking wine all over the gallery. Look how happy they look."
"Paintings? Look, I don't drink wine. I don't want the wine. Even the idea of drinking this wine leaves a bad taste in my mouth."
"Ah no matter if you don't want to drink it.”
"Ok good. Let's drop the subject now"
"You don't have to drink it. We can pump it directly into your veins. You won't even have to taste it"
"Wait, into my veins? Are you serious? I don't want your damn wine!"
THIS is how absurd the conversation is getting now.
Anytime anyone tries so hard to pressure you into something: it's rarely if EVER because it serves YOUR best interests or because its good for you. More likely it’s in THEIR best interests.
yup.... that's why I refuse to have keep fit bike in my house...just in case...
Those headphones will extract energy from brainwaves...
... mmm... methinks they have already drained many power sources.
bikes it is, then!
After many calculations over a period of around 16 seconds, and using sheep mentality as a gauge of power output, I estimate that 4 billion people wouldn't produce enough brainwave energy to light a 20 watt light bulb...
...It's the bike option...
surely they would if they believed it strongly enough.
Or is it cos you is lazy? In my best Sacha Cohen voice.
Pfffft......I'll let you know I did 3 push up's this last week...
Read this bud https://leohohmann.com/2021/12/17/whistleblower-activists-file-complaint-with-international-criminal-court-alleging-big-pharma-gates-fauci-uk-officials-committed-crimes-against-humanity/?fbclid=IwAR2nm7WiXxu8JdPBbcMmQ1UmuDKumyE5ZlJepjkS00VE61KPfp9cPbNHZIw
Bomb their wine cellar.
Blast that Cave!!!!!!
Sounds like a plan.
destroy the infrastructure before it destroys us ;-)
many conferences on this topic - the infra has many weak points - for now.
I tried to reblog this....Is there a feature?
Awesome WriteUp I will forward to all my Truthseekers!
Thanks to turn me onto BLURT :)
Nice to see You again
You too , Hun ! (as in 'a term of endearment', not a derogatory term for Germans lol)
Getting 'us' onto a blockchain could be very important this next year.
Hive is full of technocratic supporting commies(who also happen to be the big account holders). All 'alternative blogs topics' are getting downvoted and zero'ed out to shit. sad but true).
Lets make Blurt a 'blockchain central' for truthers to make sure they stay in touch!
hahaha! Ok HUN! I hear You!!!!
I should have cashed out on HIVE when it was up.
Realized it too late. I keep holding it for a while and see where it goes.
BTW....Austria is a nightmare. No idea why I chose to be here but I guess I need to deal with my Family Karma
oh shit , Austria - I forgot - it must be shitty ....You are our 'eyes on the ground', then !
Hive is going up a little at the mo... ($1.8).
Austria is more than Shit! Its double Scheiße while 'Kurz' will start a career in Silicon Valley! Schwabs Marionette he trained...
...all roads seem to lead to the WEF, don't they..
How come so many have a blurry vision? I just cant get it!
BTW...How can I get notifications on my phone? Is there a BLURT App or something like that?
soz - I don't do smart phones - I like my freedom! lol
...maybe ask @practicalthought - he will know, or at least point you in the right direction for answers..
So funny! So up to date!
Sad but true...So might as well as laugh at the absurdity !
I am in but only with my posting key....the active one was not accepted...hmmmm
....try sending some blurt to me, if you like (promise to send it back lol)
I get some food and write back at You.....
I'll be here for the next hour - or in 12 hours time...lol
Can't wait to make a droid cop burn a possessor when i point out some obvious contradictions in his set of rules it calls laws .
And Masahiko Yamaguchi is working on that cycling thing ,.. If you just redirect the power from the television to the robot ,.. your free to go . ;-)
you will be assimilated - for your own good....
I found the promise to have my own good after conformation to assimilation mostly to be false ,.. and claiming that i will own nothing and be happy isn't very convincing to me either on that subject .
But please assimilate me and my own good ,.. let my intellectual good then spread like a virus true the hive-mind , so it might learn what i know , and dismantle it's self .
But no ,... not me ,... killing on site is there only option ,.. for there own collective good . ;-)