Liberty requires agitation if it is to survive...Welcome to Blurt ! (updated- after losing 80% of my post, for some reason)

in blurtlife •  2 years ago  (edited)


Please take your time to read the words written above.
The founding fathers were much like myself really ( if only I had a tenth of their wisdom)...

They didn't waste their words.
They got to the point, and made their point with the minimum of fuss and maximum impact.

They weren't joking when they said the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
Look how free the other crypto blogging sites are .
Anyone with a functioning set of moral codes and ethics can soon see it's corruption.
(and I know for fact that the outside world are increasingly seeing it, for what it is)...

Digital feudalism is not liberty, it's serfdom.

Blurt can be so much better than the others - it already is !

But, as the founding fathers so rightly said, liberty requires eternal vigilance - and unintermitted* agitation.
*(without any interval or intervals, or any suspension of activity).

We, as a community, need to make sure this happens.

As you know, I'm not exactly a 'conflict averse' type of guy...

90% of people do not want this type of conflict, and I get it - I really do.

90% of people want a fun ecosystem, without the 'negative' vibe.

But you will never have that without the constant vigilance and agitation - because as Blurt becomes more successful one thing is for certain - the manipulators, and parasites will come.

And when this happens, people need to be aware of them.
It's not too difficult to discern these individuals, if you know how to push the right buttons.
And I do.

When the mask falls, the real person is seen for what they really are.

Highlighting the manipulators also means highlighting the gullible - You need ta gullible recipient to the manipulation, otherwise it wouldn't work...

This can be a painful, embarrassing and unpleasant an experience.
How you handle that is up to you.

It's either an opportunity to grow, or a reason to double down on your own stupidity, (thus highlighting it for everyone to see).

It's not nice - but is it essential to maintain a healthy, dynamic, ecosystem.

'Horses for courses', as they say ....
This particular horse (me), is built for riding this particular course ....


................"It's a crappy job, but someone has to enjoy it !".....

This post was another 500 words longer, and much better presented - but when I posted it, half of it just 'disappeared' for some reason - and never saved it elsewhere - doh ! my apologies...

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You typed it on Blurt!? oh deary me - vigilance indeed, mate! ;-)
Vigilance requires awareness - from the masses - hey, pretty much an oxymoron.
vigilant masses.
military intelligence.
asymptomatic carriers.
Anyway, lest we forget, the tyrants ARE vigilant - just not in your best interests.
I am not averse to a rumble.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wise words indeed.
Democracy is NOT a stable system - never was - look at Athenian democratic reality - not the fable.
Even Rome flipped from Republic to Dictatorship.
Oh, and a republic is not necessarily a democracy - is just camouflage to make the plebs think they matter.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I ReBLURTeD this article an upped my stake in BYT by 33% ... Not sure in which order...

Because of BLURT (BOB)

🥓 Don't play second Fiddle to ol Benji up there. And feisty euroMen ARE the second coming of the Founders... Or Fathers... Or both.

But Blockchain will remain my most functional apparatus for PROOF OF SOMETHING


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Rumble and BLURT marriage got some real potential in my book

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

where is the herd of buffalo at the bottom?

  ·  2 years ago  · about trippy/synchronity - I literally posted this blog before checking out this comment...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....running as fast as fuck in the opposite direction, if they had any sense...

  ·  2 years ago  · about trippy/synchronity - I literally posted this blog before checking out this comment...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You typed it on Blurt!? oh deary me - vigilance indeed, mate! ;-)

....alright, no need to go

I dunno about you, but I find the actual act of writing on the blurt blog page , far . ....As opposed to word.
Which is annoying, because of tech hiccups....

Many times I'll outline (and save) the initial post on word, and copy paste- but I can never complete it in a word doc...The feel is all different for me...weird....

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Haven't used Word in years - worst wp ever created - used to like WordPerfect (which still exists) but I just use NotepadPlus. The only thing it really lacks is a spellchecker - as is mainly for coding - hence scan the doc in Blurt for any typos.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I also still write notes on paper - unless one is a typist, the act of typing interferes with thinking - I find handwriting less interfering.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I understand what you mean - but I can type without it interrupting my flow.
...When i was doing my 'A' levels I took typing, so that I couldn't get any extra homework - and I was the only guy in a classroom of 20 hotties!
result !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Democracy was the first of their magic tricks really. We're supposed to be a constitutional republic, not governed by mob rule. It was when I began to understand this that I no longer believed in our system. I can thank Ron Paul for that much at least- that and having a much clearer picture of the economic system just in time to watch the collapse of the dollar in 2008 :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

.....yeah, it all went a 'a bit wrong', didn't it ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What we have in blurt is really precious, and if we intend on keeping it, we must deliberately guard it with all jealousy.
I would have loved to read the first one you wrote; I can imagine how nice it was. You could type using the MarkdownX editor or any other editor of your choice before transferring them to Blurt. (Personally I prefer editors as they are equipped undo button). I'm glad you used the #epistem tag. Thank you.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


If this post were 500 words longer... I would have passed ... Frankly 😬👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Say what again about woman ? ,.. ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Love and light 🤬🥓

Except for fuckFaces ✌️😐🥧