K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple, Stupid - and avoid jail time....The meanderings of a distracted thicky...

in blurtlife •  2 years ago  (edited)

I woke up today and was going to write a post about the secrets to the meaning of life !

Yes, I'd finally cracked them !....The secrets of the universe !

Obviously I wanted nothing more than to share them all with you fantastic Blurters out there.

But then I got distracted.


Very distracted....
....To such a degree that all the answers that I had stored up in my noggin' about universal truths and the meaning of life itself - completely evaporated.

Just like that - gone!....Pfffffft.

....Gone out into the ether and hiding so well that I still can't bloody find them !

I know it that involved Jenga, very hot butts, juicy melons, and cleaning cars - but apart from that - it's a total mystery...!

The morale of this story is - don't get distracted.

Unless you want to be. ....in which case it's absolutely fine and, to be quite honest, I'd highly recommend it.

You might not get as many things done in your life, this is true - but hey! ... you'll also probably find the quality of time that you do have on this planet, will be of a much higher quality....And will, invariably, involve a lot more sex and other fun pastimes.
....Like kissing*.
*...but without tongues !... as that's a most unhygienic practice and - in my opinion - should have at least a four year jail sentence attached to it - and no kissing other inmates with tongues, either !...Not if you don't want some extended sentencing.

...Where the hell was was I ?
Oh yeah...

K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple, Stupid

Being incredibly simple, and mostly stupid, I find that this saying fits well into my life.

My stupidity doesn't allow for me to understand complexities that seem to be made for the sole purpose of being complex.

Some people - who must be much clever than my self - don't seem to have the problem of grasping these complexities.
They must understand that all additional complexity always leads to an increase in system fragility.
Even an idiot like me knows that.
....And thus, by choosing to increase complexity , you'd have to be pretty stupid - or like , really clever - to do so.

Some really crazy people out there posit the hypothesis that complexity is welcomed by those wishing to confuse issues, and who wish to maintain control through these very complexities - but I'm not 100% sold on this idea.

Why would make something complex if it could be kept simple ? Not enough kissing ?(sans tongues of course)

To maintain authoritarian control ?

It sounds all a bit too 'tin foil hatter brigade ', for me.

The other, less conspiratorial hypothesis, is that is hides stupidity.

The hypothesis goes like this - the more apparently complex it is, the more 'intelligent' you appear to be to those who do not understand what the hell is going on....

Of course that would make them stupid and not very clever at all.....Now I'm confused....

It's all too much for me to take in.....
Being the thicker than Mr. Thicky McThicky, winner of the recent Global Thicky awards - I'm sure I must be missing something.

....It must be something that those complexity guru's just can't impart to me, to such a dim witted brain as my own...
Note: I'm not suggesting buggery is a way to impart anything , btw-
except for an increased chance of getting piles later on in life obviously.
_(this only applies to the bugger-ee, and not the bugger-er, of course...).

Where was I again..?

...Oh yeah....

So, in lieu of revealing the mysteries of the universe and finally explaining why genes for red heads still exist - I'll just have impart some simple philosophy for us 'amoeba brains'...(no offense to any 'amoeba brains' who happen to be reading this).

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Every new generation I am seeing mans penis gets smaller as their pecks get bigger and rounder etc. (Feminization)

And they still saying "all men are created equal."

I can't even enjoy looking at babes nowadays because I simply do not know if they are male or female anymore.

And because of this, pregnant women are now even more attractive to me.

So I'm looking at nature now. Sunrises, sunsets, trees, insects, and beautiful minds on blurt, etc.

It's a beautiful day today. Birds are chirping, sun is a nice orange.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think you may have a typo when you say your thoughts "evaporated".
Great memes.

One interesting thing about complexity is that you can still receive a signal, even amid total noise and pink bullshit... but you need to be tuned to it. Kinda explains a lot.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I think you may have a typo when you say your thoughts "evaporated".

....it wasn't a typo?
I'm aware of the literally meaning (honest) - but it can be used in descriptive context not pertaining the literal meaning.

I'm glad you pointed it out , cheers......

Due to me being a lackadaisical git, and you most probably not being - it made me doubt my own thoughts about it - very cool !
So i had a quick research to confirm it.

As a result, confidence in their ability to manage the country's finances evaporated, and with it the value of the franc.
From the Cambridge English Corpus

..that kind of thing.

....now I've just had another thought - due to me being a lackadaisical git, and you most probably not being - maybe I misinterpreted your comment entirely...and missed the point.
.....doh !

if you want to comment back and put this brain out of it's torment, that'd be cool ! ...lol....(before i go to bed and have nightmares..).

EDIT: I was just reading zero hedge comments - and this comment left there, sums up all I've written above...lolol

Explain that comment to me like I was a moron

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was just trying not to spill it out.
one of my fave annoyance triggers ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But then I got distracted

Whopsies. . .sincere apologies if i have had anything to do with that. . .
I was really looking forward to that masterpiece. . . .
Should habe 'buggered me off' sooner. . .

Maybe this is why misfortune followed, and broke my shades on the only sunny day in the UK 😅 (with my sleepless eyes that should have well been covered 🙈)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You've let 'the cat out of the bag' now !
'Loose lips, sink ships' .... and all that.

I never mentioned what I was distracted by....

And the less said about any buggering, the better...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Do I play the victim card or the martyr card?

Yes, guilty. . . soz.
But someone sounds like they need a coffee. . .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was thinking more along the lines of 'the idiot sandwich card' ?... (welcome to the club !) lol

My caffeine levels are just dandy, tyvm !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Your Looking Sexy and Hot.❤️👌🖕

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....thanks !
...but how do you know , though ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think its because your past porno was found sir.

Im still searching.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

...that own't end well - not unless you enjoy observing bodies that have been partying 24/7 and not bothering too much with things minor details like...nutrition.