Words are such blunt instruments when it comes to understanding something so fantastic as the human mind.
Trying to use words to define the mind - something so very unique to each person - is pretty idiotic.
But not idiotic to everyone.
And therein lies the problem.
So no, it's not that kind of supermodel.... heads out of the gutter, s'il vouz plait.
The title of the post does however, show you how YOUR mind works and the ability to misinterpret what it is that's being expressed by the author.
My mind works in exactly this way..... All our minds do, in fact...
Your minds eye saw something along the lines of this....
(I'll leave out any of the XXX images that you might well have imagined , for reasons of good taste)...
I was really talking about this kind of super model...
A model......that is super !
And what’s so hot about this model (compared to the above photo of a hottie ?)
Because it’s a model of the brain – my brain ( or my excuse for a brain, anyways).
*this is my first attempt to actually do this, and it's very rudimentary - to say the least - so if it’s crap – my apologies. Hopefully it gives the idea (or tease rather, to part 2) of what I’m thinking.
People far clever than I can improve on it.
….It’s a working model in progrees, ok ?
The simple piccy above describes cognitive agility (intelligence), and is just one aspect of many. .....(Actually, not many at all).
This includes totally separate models of things such as empathy, creativity etc…
BUT FIRST.....Before I get ahead of myself....
Lets kick off with the "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."
This subject is infinitesimally more nuanced than any one liner can produce of course - but it’s as good place to start as any.
(for purposes of this post, and for simplicity sake, 'small minds' are included in 'average minds')
Ok.... the post…..
Part 1.
The foundational perspective of my hypothesis that leads to the model shown above...
(my piccy, not the hottie , or the piece of wood).
....What did you think when you first read the title of this post?
Why did you think those things ?
I'll tell you why....
Because the written word is a really bad tool for expressing the inner workings of another human mind.
Yes..... I consciously used the title to illicit a specific response.
In effect - I lied to you, the reader, to manipulate you.
This simple lie shows you the power of words - whether it's used for ill or good intent is not important right now - it's the illustration to highlight the power that's possessed in words .
That's the point.
Words can be used to twist any reality to suit the 'not so noble intentions' of others .
We are all susceptible to this - because this is how our mind works.
...Or rather, how we are taught to show how our mind works...by using the very useless tool of - that’s right – words!
Talk about a circular reasoning....
'We'll use really poor tools to explain how the mind works.... by using really poor tools..."
We're taught how our mind works with a tool that is - at best - not good enough for the job and, at worst – it builds the foundations of understanding everything about the mind, in an incorrect fashion - right from the very off.
How then do we alter that - if words are the only communication tool at our disposal ?
We don't.
We change the rules of the game.
Pictures !
The old saying ‘ A picture paints a thousands words’ is woefully inaccurate.
A picture speaks an entirely different language.
One that than words can’t even begin to interpret with any real accuracy.
That being the case , then why do we insist on trying to map the human mind with words – something that's totally not fit for purpose.
Why do we insist on trying to define the human mind with tools that are incapable of even getting close to seeing the very thing that we are trying to look at ?
This is where postmodernist ’logic’ really comes into it’s own.
(But in a good way , honest !)
*.....I’d go further than that and say that postmodernist ‘logic’ is the failed attempt to transfer the machinations of the mind into words.
There’s nothing quite so stupid as the postmodern academic.
But didn't I just said 'in a good way'...Hmmmmm.....
....Quite paradoxically and almost beyond belief from my own point of view - postmodernist 'logic' may well be the key to truly opening up the human mind in a way for everyone to grasp - or rather, for the majority to comprehend - in a brand new way...
Subjective interpretation may well be an objective truth in this new model.
Ah shit, I feel some humble pie ego crushing coming on.....But, on the upside - if this has the potential to change things in a good way and destroys idiocy, it's a pie well worth eating - and I'll even enjoy the taste of it !
'The majority' is the crucial part here.....for without the majority understanding a new way of thinking about the mind, the point of this post becomes nothing more than intellectual masturbation.
(....and if I'm gonna have a wank, I'll take the real world, non cerebral version of it, thank you very much).
People don’t think in words.
We think in spatial models that we construct internally and then, if we choose to write about them ( our thoughts/experiences/perspectives), the spatial models have to be DE-constructed, and then RE constructed , using ‘the word’ as the medium of communication.
And therein lies the fundamental - and irreconcilable - problem.
Words are tools that are not up to the job to explain, or show, the minds complexities .
i.e. - Words are not fit for this purpose.
We're forever trying to use tools that are incapable of constructing what we have in our minds eyes. ...(facts, figures, pure logic/information notwithstanding - and not relevant to this post).
If you don;t believe me, write down the word 'red' - and see how it utterly useless it is at explaining what the color is - the color, the energy in it, the...and on and on...
And this is just a three letter word, red.
Now lets expand this out to the entirety of every written word...or rather lets not...that'd be stoopid. But you see the point I hope.
If we're forever using tools (words to communicate concepts) that are not up to the job, then how the fuck are we ever supposed to construct a correct working model of all our unique inner landscapes?
How can we ever expect other people to interpret our communications accurately, as we intend them to be ?
The evidence of this alternative method of thinking is everywhere.
Memes for example.
Memes are not a new phenomenon of the digital age by any means.
They’ve been used to express concepts ever since the printing press came into being (and even before that).
It’s no coincidence that the simple cartoon/meme is one of the most powerful forms of discussion of political ideas when confronting an authority.(Ideas and concepts are politics... Not facts and figures).
*It’s also no coincidence that 'the authorities’ have historically found the meme so threatening to their positions of power, which goes to highlight the fact that we are on the wrong road entirely when it comes to understanding psychology.
'They" - the authority - Do not want you to understand reality - only the faux image of reality , the one that they want to sell to you..... The written word helps them in achieving this aim.
The meme does not.
The meme can express whole concepts and ideas in way that the written word can never do.
Memes are the correct conceptual interpretation , understood.
....All without any of the 'word salad bullshit' something that allows for the obfuscation of a conceptual truth and thus, the enunciation of reality...
Words can twist meanings but images can present the naked truth that is quite impervious to the machinations of the less intelligent word salad manipulators.
'They' (the authority) hate this - as they have no defense against it.
....the same 'authority' , btw, that teaches it populations using words to define the human mind .
'Higher' ....v's....'Average'...
When average minds meet higher minds in conflict, and through the medium of images and not words, they're defenseless.
Why is this?
Because 'they' do not have the mental agility that is a prerequisite for creating the meme - or interpreting it correctly .
'The left can't meme' is not a trope indicative of political leanings, but of – higher minds v's average minds....
(This also tells you a massive amounts about collectivism, leftism, and social engineering - but is not within the scope of this post).
This lack of comprehension by 'the average mind ' is nobody’s fault – it’s a product of genetics and environment.
The problem we need to fix, is this :
....that average mind finds the higher mind a threat.
.....Which is perfectly understandably, from the average minds perspective.
The average mind IS the mind that wants a real world sense of security.
The average mind IS the army of sycophants and cheerleaders of the socially approved consensus at any given time.
The average mind are also much larger in number than the higher mind.
This means that 'the battle' between the two mindsets is a forever unequal one of course....
'Might is right' may well be a harsh reality of nature.
BUT 'The majority is right', is not.
It's low IQ and based in fear.
As the (stupid) majority gains more power and influence in the realms of the appearance of legitimate ideas , society decays.
The principals behind the groundbreaking advances in society come not from the average mind, but from the higher mind.
The average mind is the perfect vehicle for the implementation of the higher principals that are pulled out of the higher mind.
The higher mind can understand the average mind easily - but unfortunately it doesn’t cut both ways.
The average mind can never comprehend the higher mind. (otherwise it would be in 'the higher', and not 'the average' bracket - by definition).
If you then throw in a few years of indoctrination from education facilities that have been constructed by the average mind for the average mind, you then have an indoctrinated average mind that not only cannot understand the higher minds concepts and ideas – they find them a threat - because that's what they have been taught - by other average minds.
...Here comes that circular reasoning, again....
Collectivism/leftism/socialism - find the higher mind a threat, rather than a valuable addition to society.
The midwit (average mind) becomes the driver of the vehicle known as society, one that they don’t really understand beyond steering the wheel and doing a bit of braking , accelerating.
The higher mind understands the mechanics and principles that go into internal combustion engine , energy transference, and inertia.
As I’ve said, it’s nobodies fault .
We are all built the way we are - but when it comes to the stage of that the lunatics ARE running the asylum, ongoing problems are a guarantee.
(it seems to me that the midwit 'in power' , have all the characteristics of a deluded lunatic ).....'The tail' starts to believe that it's 'the dog' .
Poor education through the blunt tool of words - and the ensuing chaos coming from that faux reality using words that are not fit for purpose, is what we see playing out in a decaying society right now...
The last hundred years of western civilization is a working and very clear example of - 'the tail wagging the dog' dynamic.
We've advanced so much in the last hundred years – but that’s not because of average minds running the show – that’s in spite of average minds running the show.
The average mind is the majority of the population – And the very reason why democracy as a political system will always lead to decay and chaos.
(still working on alternatives other than small republics - I'll get back you ya on that one!)
I digress....
‘Average mind’, ‘higher mind’, ‘small mind’ – even using these terms is sleight of hand in misrepresentation - they infer an 'hierarchy of value' just by the use of words , which is utterly idiotic.
Local minds....?
National minds...?
International minds...?
Yeah, they're shite alternatives.... (suggestions welcome).
...but, at least for now - I have to use the tools that I've been given to set the foundations in terms of rethinking the whole fucking thing...
‘Average’ minds interpret ‘higher’ minds as a threat to themselves – this is literary gas lighting in itself...You have to create 'sides' if you want a conflict, right ?
Is this by accident or design ?...I don't know, but I'd wager it's by accident - or rather, an instinctual (but unconsciousness) self preservation strategy of the midwit/average mind.
The average mind is a very ‘hierarchy conscious’ one - it's an intrinsic part of their psychological makeup.
....As such , they can hardly be blamed for even construing the word ‘higher’, as being an attempt for others to position themselves further up some ' hierarchical ladder ' .
A ladder that they themselves see very clearly even many others do not.
Anecdotally - and to some degree from 'tertiary level' observations....
All the higher minds that I know of – are nothing close to being as ‘hierarchically minded’ as the average mind.
They don’t recognize it - or see it - as being valuable enough to give it any consideration or attention....
The higher mind is not concerned so much with the ‘worldy ambitions' that the average mind is...
The recognition of a social hierarchy (and the social approval of fitting into it somewhere) must entail there being a priority attached to it, and the average mind does express this priority through actions.
The average mind finds 'worldy ambitions' very real - and as such, gives this social structure very real attention and energy.
The higher minds attentions - and energy its directed towards , are ideas and concepts.
The joy of knowledge for its own end, and not a 'means to an end' for the accruing of material wealth...
.... 'Hierarchy' is a natural phenomenon that's found throughout all of nature, and it exists in all social animals.
It 's neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad’ – it’s a function and product of life itself.
It could easily be be argued that it is, in fact, an intrinsic and essential element of a successful society and it's long term cohesion.
So when it comes to 'hierarchy', there's really not a lot to explore for the higher mind . It's simple.
Average minds find it a fascinating subject .
Why?... because it is fascinating ...to the average mind.
The average mind find now have entire degree courses that are built around this very simple dynamic !
*Karl Marx is a prime example of the average mind trying to 'outmaneuver' the higher mind, and thus, by doing so, earn a promotion in the social/political/academic, hierarchy.
His 'higher concepts' are ridiculous once examined, and can be easily see as evidence of the average mind attempting to mimic greater thinkers by understanding what they say - and then turning them upside down for contrarian purposes to appear clever..... but fakery can only work for so long....just count 150 million corpses as evidence of what happens when insanity sounds legitimate to the majority.....To the average mind.
The average mind has little interest in 'the higher concepts' – they cant conceive of them, so how can they have too much of an interest in them?
Would you expect a blind man to love the printed works of Tolkien ?
*(not including braill of course - the average mind might think that pedantry is clever, but it really isn't - pedantry is not an argument , and is an admission of being an insecure twat with nothing else to say....So don't be pedant without a valid point of correction - it's ugly).
The average mind can latch onto others ideas, and then take them on as if their own , without ever fully understanding them.
This can be a strength, not a weakness, if based in the real world.
(conversely, this is also why it's so easy to tie any lefty in knots and make the defender of such positions look completely silly).
The midwit lives mostly in the 3 dimensional real world and thus, applies everything to their real world experience.
This is not a blame game, nor an attempt of any intellectual superiority of 'the higher' over 'the average' mind.
*....'small', 'average', 'high' - and what it may try to infer - is total and utter BS !
The average mind could - and does - construe it in just that way, (hierarchy pathology).
It's this very defensiveness - an intellectual insecurity by the majority - that is one of - if not THE biggest stumbling blocks towards going forwards and making a better world.
This is the moment where my 'super model' is getting ready to get up onto the catwalk and really strut her stuff .....and will hopefully leave everyone , both higher minds and average minds, looking to get inside her.
This is the entire reason for this whole post...How to make everyone WANT to get inside my super model...
What the average mind really excels in (and is very possibly the prime driver behind many of civilizations success’s) is the talent to mimic, copy, be industrious , and not find the repetitive tedious.
The average mind has these qualities in abundance , and in my opinion - are qualities that the higher mind simply does not posses.
The paradox is this :
1/Higher minds spark the average mind into thinking about, copying, improving, and making 'more of it '...
Average minds apply this kind of thinking in the real world.
2/The instinctual fear that the average mind has of the higher mind (hierarchical competition), leads to the thwarting and silencing of the higher minds (denigrating and ostracizing ).
3/The average mind then usurps the position in terms of being seen as 'a societal success' , and takes /usurps the title of 'the higher mind', while being nothing of the sort.
See the last 30 years or so of 'not very clever people' getting degree's and the ensuing lack of value that a degree now has..(i.e the majority, the mob mentality - the collective - has reduced the value of something through reaching beyond their own levels of competence.
Decay ensues.
4/Higher minds are then called upon to fix all the shit that’s been caused by the average minds, who have been intent to try and take over the position and 'title' of higher minds (hierarchy awareness + intellectual insecurity).
And on, and on, and on …the cycle continues.
What we need , is to break this cycle .
We will not get to that place of real success by using the same old tools to deliver the same old results.
WORDS are ‘not fit for purpose’ tools in this regard to the understanding the human mind.
They are, however, the root cause of many of problems that we see today....
We need another way to re-imagine the human mind map.
To understand it better.
Getting to grips with the human mind is the key.
The average mind doesn’t want change – that want conformity, safety, and repetition.
This is a strength of the average mind, not a weakness.
And also the danger of the average mind, not a safety net for anybody (most of all for them..)
They also want - and will defend - all the cycles that maintains the illusion of the status quo continuing.....And it is an illusion....
WW3 anyone ?
Whether knowing consciously, about the reality of hierarchy or not - it's one that defines them. ... the instinctual need to climb up that hierarchical ladder, and garnering approval from the consensus.
The average mind perceives the higher mind as a threat to their own climb in whatever hierarchy that they deem important.
We can’t change that.
(nor would we want to in all honesty - even if we could).
What we CAN change is the way things are perceived by the average mind.
And THAT part is the only part that really matters, realistically speaking.
And that way is NOT through the written word.
THAT WAY involves rethinking how we express the mind map so that the average mind can comprehend it as an entirely new, non threatening paradigm.
bitcoin ...@lucylin's super model fixes this !!!....( I'm an optimist, alright? )
Well maybe not 'fix' exactly - but at least it might help out in some small way.
Who knows, it might cause a spark in a mind waaaaay sharper than my own , and they can go on and save the entire human race from being forever stoopid.
*Please note: .. I'm waaaaaaaay too idle to do any of that 'changing the world' malarkey.
If words are useless I shall send you my answer via telepathy...........................
did you get it?
Was listening to max Igan yesterday harping on about our DNA being an antenna which connects to the collective consciousness. Also Rupert Sheldrake (my fave scientist) said our memories are not stored in the brain but outside of the body. So when you say 'mind' are you talking about the brain? Some say we're about shift into a new consciousness so maybe words will not be needed and maybe TPTB do not want that shift because it would take away their power which largely resides in words.
One thing I'd disagree with you on is -
"The higher mind understands the mechanics and principles that go into internal combustion engine , energy transference, and inertia."
I have no interest in engines but I can understand the workings of many other things which probably wouldn't interest you. I've met many a mechanic who understands nothing BUT the workings of a combustion engine.
If you dont understand engines you are lower! Ask ajerkkoff for some help...
Don't do that, ffs - He'll have you loving 2 stroke engines...
I don't have the interest in engines to fully understand. I know the basics. Gas, electric spark, little explosion pushes piston up turns a crank etc etc. To pick something like an engine is sexist. You're saying 99% of women are lower? How about knowing how to do an invisible decrease stitch in crochet? If everyone knew how to fix an engine then there would be no work for mechanics, nobody can know everything about everything. We all have our talents and areas.
Engines are racist...😀
and sexist
How do you feel about pan-sexual engines like rotaries or transgender engines like hybrids?
(I'm just trolling now)😅
Bloody hell, there was no need to say that straight into my noggin' !
Yes, mind, not brain.
Please read this part of the reply as though I was Dr. Evil in Austn Powers ... (it will help)...
"...This is an an-al-ogy, or A met-a-phor, and with it , we will conquer pedantry !... "
oh ok, musta been havin a blond day
While the gif may absolve you of some momentary non thinking...
Don't be blondist, you fascist !
I AM blond you Blondist.
friday is not thinking day
doh !....looks like im a blonde too ! lol....
This is indicative of slave mentality.
There is no hierarchy. There are those who access innate knowledge easily, and those whose access has been disabled. All of us have the capability. Many of us just don't know it, don't know of it, are happy being slaves.
Taxes, registrations, IDs, insurance, insurance, insurance, licenses, degrees, regulations, bills, deeds... These are all items sitting on my desk in front of me right now. Today I do feel like a midwit, shuffling my slave documents to keep out of the stockade.
Hierarchy exists in 'virtually' all social vertebrates.... (...if not in all - I don't know of one that doesn't....do you know of any ?).
Yeah, month end brings out the begrudging midwit in us all ! lol
I've never seen so much anti science Russian propagandize in my life. Everyone knows that the right is the one that cant meme because their little more than a bunch of redneck inbreeders who believe they will fall off the earth because its flat. No surprise they blame the world for the many bad things Trump is really the cause of.
It's laughable to read those who have no compassion because of their alt right conspiratard uneducated leanings talk as if they have a higher mind. Perhaps because the only thing filling those minds is Russian Trump misinformation. Can't let a little thing like SCIENCE take a home there. :/
Because we know how your mind operates. :)
I once drew a map of my mind. It looked like this.
In seriousness though, I tend to see ignorance from many on the right now as well. None of us are immune to being imprisoned within talking points, especially when they are aided by our own confirmation bias.
I grew so sick of the many I'm more aligned with on the right talking all of their Q nonsense, with their continual any day now being pushed out days, then weeks, then months and now years. Exasperated as the Q followers out of their deep need to see things made right jump on often ludicrous unprovable charges while ignoring the many crimes that are openly visible and is quite enough to make a normal person sick as they recognize the crimes they witness. It makes the entire landscape one is just as easily dismissable as the ludicrous often bizarre assertions coming from the left, and empowers them to continue with valid counterpoints against the right.
Seems to me that we need focus on the common areas and work our way outward.
Many on the left despite some differences of opinion are not so brain dead one can't hold meaningful conversation with them. It actually can be done if one approached them without a condescending attitude that attacks them as a person instead of the ideas they hold. It's this us verses them approach that permeates even the smallest of topics that widens this chasm between folks, all while those propagating all the nonsense on both sides laugh at how easily we are pitted against one another.
Obviously there are extreme cases one will never reach, on both sides. Allowing them to define the tone of the topics ensures we will never be able to slow this ride down and get off on a more neutral ground.
How the hell do you get your mind map to look so organized ? (I'm now very jealous)...
MMMmmmmm....interesting perspective and I'm sure is valid one. The asparagus part of my psychological makeup, cannot compute this.....(I think that politics is not my strong point! lol)
I don't see it as a 'us'v's 'them' conflict - I see it as a 'rational argument v's a silly use of cognitive process', paradigm.
Summarizing part of the text, a word can have different meanings for people, even interpretations, so it all depends on the experiences that the human being has had in his life. I came to the post because of the title and I didn't know what it had to do with the image. Thanks for posting.
@blurthispano, @blurtlatam, @vickyguevara curate
I now I'm struggling to present part 2 - in 'mind images '! lolol
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