What if all the people in the world have to live in only one city? (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 


Here's an interesting thought experiment: what if all the people in the world have to live in only one city, how much space would we take up?
The answer depends on just how tightly you want to pack people together of course. Standing room only or space for a garden and pets? I found this nice videos and articles were they have some ideas, visions or calculations about it.
Check it out.
Me personal I am fine with space... Enough space. But maybe we will need it in Hundreds of years. Who knows.

Eis uma interessante experiência de pensamento: e se todas as pessoas no mundo tivessem de viver numa só cidade, quanto espaço ocuparíamos?
A resposta depende do quão apertado se quer juntar as pessoas, claro. Apenas um quarto de pé ou espaço para um jardim e animais de estimação? Encontrei estes belos vídeos e artigos onde têm algumas ideias, visões ou cálculos sobre o assunto.
Veja isto.
Pessoalmente estou bem com espaço... Espaço suficiente. Mas talvez precisemos dele em Centenas de anos. Quem sabe.

Hier ist ein interessantes Gedankenexperiment: Was wäre, wenn alle Menschen auf der Welt in nur einer Stadt leben müssten, wie viel Platz würden wir beanspruchen?
Die Antwort hängt natürlich davon ab, wie eng man die Menschen zusammenpferchen will. Nur Stehplätze oder Platz für einen Garten und Haustiere? Ich fand diese interessanten Videos und Artikel, in denen man einige Ideen, Visionen oder Berechnungen dazu hat.
Seht es euch selbst gern an.
Ich persönlich habe kein Problem mit Platz... Genug Platz. Aber vielleicht werden wir ihn in Hunderten von Jahren sowas brauchen. Wer weiß.


Interesting article: https://mcdonough.com/writings/designing-city-tomorrow-2017/





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