Banana, a versatile plant that is rich in benefits

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 


Do you know what banana trees can do?


Many things can be used from each part of the collar. But this time I will discuss its specific uses for food.

Bananas can be eaten directly, or processed on a variety of menus. The leaves, of course, can be used for food wrapping before steaming or boiling. Like the food below wrapped in banana leaves.


Timpan, a common ascension snack, is synonymous with banana leaves. Typically, bananas are used as a container for wrapping young leaves, as shown below, let's see.


Similarly banana flowers, which we usually know as banana hearts.


If the taste of banana heart is unique, it is a bit like mushroom.

Moreover, perhaps not many people know that banana stalks can also be processed as food. Far away
For example, I see the picture here, a dish with the main ingredient of banana stalks, we usually call Achens it Kuh Ati banana.


Bananas have important benefits as a source of potassium which is necessary to maintain fluid balance in the body and control blood pressure.

Bananas also contain vitamins, magnesium and fiber and are rich in high calories, like 100 calories per fruit, which makes them suitable for people on a diet because they provide a feeling of fullness.

So, what is the content of each part of the collar?
Banana leaves are safe to use as food containers, as they are natural and contain polyphenols, antioxidants that can fight free radicals.


Moreover, the fragrance wrapped in banana leaves is more fun and of course eco-friendly.

Bananas can work to cure heart bleeding. Quoted from, banana stalks contain vitamins A, D and C, as well as potassium in high fiber.


For that reason, banana pulses are processed to improve digestion, treat kidney stones, reduce weight and have the potential to control blood pressure.

Each part has some advantages over playing bananas.

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