Some of Me & My Sister's Old Drawings

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 


Today, I made this post to show you some of me and my sister's old drawings. I drew them about one year ago or less. I really hope you like them..

Young Artists

I drew a lot of pictures. I drew a lot of imagination pictures. My sister also drew a lot of pictures. I really love the one that she drew for Christmas day. I drew one picture for mother's day. It is the one I used for my thumbnail.

A lot of drawings are from school because I drew pictures every Wednesday. My sister draws a lot at home and a lot at school. I made tiles with my pictures and sister's pictures so can know what is mine and what is my sister's.

My Pictures

colorful art.JPG

This one I drew at school. I got 9.00 for this one. It is the highest point for drawings.

water art.JPG

This one too I drew at school. I got 9.00 too. I got the highest for my group. In my group had four students. It is me and my best friend in school, Taran and David.

mother's day.JPG

This one is for mother's day. I drew a picture of my best friend, me and my sister. The one with the guitar is my friend, the one with the blue dress is my sister and the last one is me.

contest art.JPG

This is my contest with my sister. I found mine but I don't know where is hers. We drew a mermaid, a person, and a fairy. After we color them. My sister let me win because she loved mine more than hers.

My Sister's Pictures

Christmas art.JPG

Okay, this one is my favorite. My sister drew it at school. She drew it one charismas day. She got 8.50 for that one.

monkey art.JPG

This one is also at school. That house is her dream house. I really love the flower on the tree beside the house.

rainbow house.JPG

This one is my second favorite. She this at school. She got 9.00 for this one.


This one is she drew it at school. It is her school. It used to be hers and my school. She got 9.00 for this one.


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Monkey B

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