The psyche behind crypto

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Maybe you have this as well. It depends on what day it is and how you overal psychedness is on things, is how you think about your crypto wallet and how the stats are going. Sounds a little bit abstract right? Let me refine it to you.

Last year April/Mayb when crypto was making a move I was super siked, like F5ing the coinmarketcap or coingecko every 5 seconds to see what is going on now. And currently when you like how BTC is doing, it honestly looks a lot more stable compared to a year ago, but I am not Fning at all at the moment. Is it because we 'expect this to happen' now and last year it was more of a pleasant surprise. Or was it last year to finally have some good vibes again around crypto after the (neverending) bear marketwinter of 2018/2019, and now we are more 'used to this vibe' again.

It is interesting how the human mind works.


The whole market is full of indicators. The MA, 200 day MA, MACD, RSI, elliot waves, presidential elections, warfar, pandemic and whatever you can think off. Everything is sentiment and also FOMO dependent. It just depends of what you believe in, is what you tend to follow. And I guess there is an indicator to find every day which will prove or decline you theory and vibe. You just need to find the one that suits you ;)

I am crapping with you ofcourse, historical data is used in trading space as long as we can remember, but with bloggers everywhere sharing their thoughts on how bullish they are or not are, it is sometimes difficult to see through the jungle in there. Shilling is the new (well 2017 had this as well naturally) news and you hardly know the difference between shilling for extra coins or someone who is actually legitimally bullish. Doing your own research seems more important than ever


We are in a situation of greed, which already came back from extreme greed. People have the feeling were are already half way to the moon and are acting on it. But they say 'be greedy when others are fearfull, and be fearfull when others are greedy' ,and that means it is time to saty put and collect some more if you ask me. Collecting more along the line is never a bad thing, but the psyche wants more more more ofcourse.

My psyche is luckily not so super siked at the moment. Maybe this was because of my recent phishing attack that got me demoralised here and there a bit, or maybe it is because because I am comfortable of just riding this one out for the next time.

My psyche is paused at the moment and I am okay with it.

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