Animals are also part of Life , Take care of them...!

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Good morning everyone , how is everyone doing ?
I hope everyone is doing good and are happy in their lifes.

In our life sometimes we have something attached to us that we didn't notice.
That's what happened with me.

actually there are pigeons that come to my varanda and rest oftenly.
I have noticed them many times resting , Today i saw that there were two eggs given by the pigeons.

I was really not angry but i was happy to see that pigeons have given eggs. They are also living creatures and if they find my varanda a resting place then i got no problem.

See the eggs :


You can see that the mother has created a small nest in my varanda 😊.

Animals are also living creatures and i request everyone to take care of them.
even feeding then with water or biscuits or anything that help them in any way.

Please take care of them also.
It is not important to have a pet to serve them but it needs a good heart to do so.

Thats all i want to say. stay safe in this pandemic situation and take care of you and your family.

Thank you

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