How Google photos saved my day and helped me in selecting an outfit.

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

It's funny at times how things we feel doesn't matter really do count. It was a fateful Saturday morning sometimes last yea when I was getting set to go tutor one of my students whom I teach Mobile App Design/Coding using MIT App Inventor. While gathering the materials in which I was going to use to teach, the thought on what outfit to put on flashed through my mind. It was then I remembered I had to go through the challenge of selecting an outfit.

Selection of daily outfit during my period of internship training(IT) has been one major challenge for me. Selecting an outfit that best matches the day and the day's weather is really a boring, confusing and tedious task for me. It's one of the major reason I do prefer to stay indoor all day if I don't have any appointment or meetings to attend. It's not just my thing 😭😭

After I was done packing the materials I needed into my bag. It was time for me to get dressed an get going. I approached my little box which was laying low on the ground in which I do keep my frequently worn clothes to select an outfit. I opened it an realized it was almost empty. It was then I remembered I washed most of my clothes the previous day and they were all yet to dry because of the rainy weather. I checked through the little clothes available in the box and i discovered I couldn't find any matching pair.

I became confused and tensed instantly. I wasn't going to put on an unmatching pairs neither was I going to put on wet clothes. I was struggling so hard to make unmatching pairs match. After some few minutes of unsuccessful pairing, I was beginning to give up on going to tutor my student that day. Although I knew what the consequences will be, but I wouldn't go naked I believe 😔. I later came to a conclusion to call the day off.

This year got me looking like a King👑

I picked up my phone to reach out to his parents in order to give some excuses why I wouldn't be coming again. Unfortunately, it seem their devices were switched off. After all futile effort in reaching them, I decided to mail them. I switched on my Mobile data and some notifications began to pop in. I waited a bit to have them all in. I was gonna go through them immediately just in case there could be some important ones.

The notification beep stopped, and I began to glance through them hastily. Just had to ignore most because they were all from my social apps. Fortunately, the last on the drop down list was from Google photos. It was tagged "Rediscover this day.. 1 YEAR AGO". It was matching with the day's current date.

I immediately clicked on it. I've always been the eager type who loves to see a throwback of my pictures. I went through the series of pictures that were displayed. I was about exiting the Application when a thought in form of question brushed through my mind asking ~"where's this outfit you were putting on in this picture?"~ I smiled within me because I knew if I found it, I was going to put it on immediately without hesitation.

I immediately dropped my smartphone and went in search of the outfit. Unfortunately it was no where to be found in my box. It was then I remembered I don't put it on frequently. I open my wardrobe and I found the precious lifesaving outfit in there. I swifty grabbed it and put it on. At this point, selecting a foot ware to put on was a piece of cake. I grabbed a pair from the shoe rack, and boom, I was set to leave.

I zoomed off immediately, and luckily enough for me I got there right in time. It's a private lesson. So it was right in his house and his comfort I do take him. It was during the course of teaching him it occurred to me that Google photos was actually the reason I could make it there. I was so happy within me and decided I was going to put it down in my blog. I took some pictures after I was done too.

There you have it, that was how Google photos came through for me. A big thanks to Google for that timely intervention.



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