Which of our emotions are most powerful?

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 




Humans are very expressive and this is because of a diverse distinctiveness that's specifically imbued into everyone. Ours ability to express comes from the dominion which is expressed by our mind. Our mind is the epicenter of our being and what makes us separate from other beings. The fact that we can place a sense of right or wrong with the dispositions of our emotions* is why we're often very unique and our emotions are the representations of our personalities and everything that we totally embody. Our emotions varies as a result of the reactions of the experience that we go through in life. Sometimes our emotions becomes a counter measure through which we cope with unbearable circumstances in our lives and some emotions are how we express beautiful experiences.

These Human Emotions

In other words, Joy, happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise, pride, shame, embarrassment, excitement and anger are most of the expressions we normally show and some of these impressions are so powerful that it puts us in different states bringing out a side of us that sometimes even surprises us. Everyone human at one time in their lives have expressed all of these emotions to the letter this is because the expressions is how we often portray the content of our feelings. Emotions manifest through our actions, the things we say, it reflects in our facial expressions most especially through our voices and because of the diverse ways through which it happens we can easily place a compartment to its category.

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The Most Powerful Of Emotions

Our ability to translate emotions is because of how we've come to place meaning to them and this is how we often interpret it. Personally each and every person has emotions they've expressed in ways that rocked their essence and brought out an aspect of unbelievability in them and for me, this emotion is pain, now pain can either be physical or psychological, irrespective of whichever it is, they bring strong manifestation which makes it the most powerful in my course of experience. I use to be very sick as a child and this caused me both physical and psychological pain, it wasn't just me that was hurt, the pain reflected in my parent. The fact that they couldn't feel what I was feeling made them restless, they would cry, my father would cry watching me suffer and the nurses would cry too watching my parent cry

You could see how that pain created a myriad of expression. The feeling is infectious, it brings our pity, empathy and sadness. Pain interconnects with other emotions and that's why it's very powerful. If you compare the feeling of happiness to pain, the chain or ripple reaction of a sense of pain would rock emotion more than happiness would. Irrespective of how we feel pain sometimes it makes us desperately creative. Some musicians sings about heartbreaks and loneliness and sadness and it evokes a feeling of pain so deep that the listeners are affected. Some of these songs embodies the weaknesses and insecurities of these singers when people express pains it can be through depression, jealousy, desperation and even anxiety. Sometimes the effect of pain is something people may never recover from and the effect of its lethality is what makes it powerful.

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While expressing pain, people are stripped down to their original self, no expressing pain in a comfortable or beautiful manner. Crying isn't a representation of sadness or pain alone but then when people cry to express pain it's evident and it's the most demeaning thing you'll ever see. What a lot of people don't know is that pain can make you very creative; I am a very creative person when it comes to content and I use to do better when I'm sad, broken and on the brink of losing my resolve. Most of my life has been reflectant on pain, I've thrived and dwelled on it and it's been an emotion that's defined my whole essence. Pain is the most powerful emotion and it also brings other kind of ripple effect, entangling other emotions with it when it comes. Everyone will evidently feels differently but this is my assertion and how it's been with me.

Originally posted on my blog here

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Emotions really control people at various situations. It's good to express your emotions, that help in stress release and feel better. Thanks for a good write. Regards.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks for reading, I'm grateful