Seeking Happiness & Fulfilment; How Does Being A Round Character Affect This Quest?

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 



The universe in itself is enigmatic and this means we're left with more questions than answers this has even further affected us to the extent that we're round characters. We're often revolving, following a different path, putting our safety on the line in search of happiness, meaning what we don't say and saying what we don't mean, there's a billion perspective that's possible with our reality and because of this, what we consider the truth has become an opinionated stance which we have placed affirmative sentiments to.

The things we often call our strength can as much pass as our weaknesses, the stories we often tell ourselves to either make ourselves comfortable or happy can often pass as a mirage; a stance of faith which we often hope can become a possibility.

This is to say that we prioritise our happiness over anything, the perfect state of mind allows us to have clear judgement, it allows us to perform minimally and having a perfect mental health allows us to dive into the various vicissitudes of life in search of survival, longevity and sheer satisfaction.

Nevertheless we're the most complex beings that will ever exist and up until tomorrow we'd still struggle with getting to or reaching to the highest peak of state of happiness. There's no highest stage of happiness and this is because what makes diverse people happy isn't similar, what makes Mr A" happy might not really make Mr B" happy, this is because we're different in experience, different in our ideologies and also painstakingly unique.

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Now being totally unique isn't always a good thing, this is because we humans, our characters contradicts ourselves despite the fact that we have standards for what is right and wrong, sometimes we still find our actions contradicting to what we generally would call "good" and this is the paradoxical aspect of our lives in relatively to the universe that i am trying to envisage.

We have set laws and principles and there's a kind of invisible human norm that is meant to direct us but due to our expressiveness, our ability to recreate our own fetishism our imaginations and express our ever growing dreams we often slip off the rail and that's why sometimes people aren't always what they seem.

Sometimes we're trying to be something different on the surface while we're something else in our closets and that's why we can't always explain the paradox that revolves around our psychological anatomy.

At the end of the day irrespective of our complexities, the end game is always trying to find happiness despite the means through which we seek it. We can never doubt our indulgences, or how we often experience misunderstanding in our every venture in life.

This is to say that sometimes we eventually don't know what we want. The need for us to feel indulged or belonged makes our emotions crave for instant gratification or satisfaction and that's is why our emotion can become our bane despite being one of our strongest feature as humans.

Like I said earlier, we're strong as much as we're weak and even the things we feel safe with are not really what should make us feel safe in reality.



In conclusion, there's a lot we understand and a lot we obviously do not understand, but then at the end every of our actions are targeted towards happiness, satisfaction and fulfilment even if sometimes the means through which we tend to want to achieve this might be nefarious and not what really want we intended.

That is why I mentioned earlier that we're all round characters in life, we start out different but evolve in the middle and then have a totally different ending. The fact that we're round characters is why it's difficult to place a sustainable behaviour, manner, feature or characteristics to everything that we totally embody.

In essence, in all these dexterity and enigma is impertinent to understand that we're beautiful, well made an embodiment of the universe's enigma.

Originally posted on my blog here

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