rest zone florida

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 


S: “I hope you leave Los Angeles. It’s no longer a place for artists and free thinkers.”

I’ve been praying about whether to move. As long as my free thinker ways still has a voice and God sends me a smile each week, I will stay. Los Angeles was never an easy place. I don’t recommend anyone to move here unless they have a solid head on their shoulders. This city had a way of eating lost souls way before Covid bumped the crazy up a new level.

I’m watching friends paralyzed with fear. They conform and comply with the mandates. They dare not share an opposing thought. And I watch others, less paralyzed, embrace the choreography of conformity. The new normal suits them. They also celebrate people losing jobs for refusing to comply. Uncle Screwtape has made California party central.

It’s a wonder that I still manage to feel buoyant despite moments where I feel utterly disappointed and broken hearted.

Maybe it’s because I spent some time in Florida and found a rest zone from the Covid crazy. I found some restorative strength in facing fears. My most terrifying moment was taking off my mask for the first time while out shopping. I thought someone would immediately approach me and start shaming me or at least demand that I reassure them with vax papers. But no one even gave me a disapproving look.

I enjoyed celebrating my birthday feeling like a free and normal person. I lived mask free for four months and didn’t even suffer a sniffle. My pregnant cousin wanted me to stay til the baby arrived but the music studio in Los Angeles finally opened to have in person lessons. I stayed to help prepare the home for the baby’s arrival, celebrate a couple of baby showers, and feng shui the home. Covid made this long visit possible. We visited museums, played golf, and saw gators from an air boat. MASK FREE. I watched children splash about at a water park and people celebrating birthdays….in houses where people ate together at a table. It felt absolutely subversive to me but it felt totally normal to them. Everyone had the same response when I told them I was from California. They all said they were sorry that I didn’t live in a free state and asked when I was moving to Florida.


I had a nice routine. Wake up and listen to the news without headphones worrying about upsetting anyone. R would bark to tell me to come downstairs where my cousin was working online. The pirate room became my music room. I would play and teach on a keyboard. The days usually ended with some time in the pool and watching the moon.

Friends and family worried that I would surely die in Florida. I received doom and gloom news that didn’t match the CDC numbers. Across the reports, there were zero Covid deaths on the CDC website and yet the “news” was that Florida was a failure with DeathSantis as governor.


It took me three months to get homesick. I didn’t know I was gone for a whole season but it was good to finally return. I am much more relaxed and happier in my solitude. People are noticeably wound tightly here. Some are miserable and mean. Others feel compelled to confess their vaccine status to assure they are safe to be around. The vibe is resigned and demoralized. I wish I knew of more brave and hopeful people. Someone asked me if I thought California would go full on mad for mandates. I don’t see that happening. When push turns into shove and we feel the void; people will see fear’s appetite for power and control and stop feeding it.

I recommend everyone travel somewhere less lockdowned to decompress from the fear routine. Once you get over the hurdle of thinking you are in mortal danger without your mask and enjoy the kind and normal random hello and smile of a stranger, you might see that you feel lighter. You will live and feel more alive than you’ve felt in over a year. Everyone needs a rest zone from the Covid crazy.


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Glad to see you posting again.

Florida does seem like one of the more rational areas to be for sure, glad you were able to have a respite from the fear mongering and push for lethal injection so many places are under the tyranny of.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Happy Thanksgiving, J

Good to be back too. The fear mongering was doing my head in. I got in the habit of self-censor and stopped writing for a long while. Life is surreal. I only visit with friends that see through the politics and will probably travel to visit friends and family that haven't drank the kool-aid.

I plan to write more. My head is so full of thoughts. In case I disappear again, you can always track me down on twitter.

Take care good to "see" you,


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

the same exact experience... visited there hmmm was it already 5 times this year?

on that last trip my parents actually did get covid. (i got it from them) but they hand out the Regeneron shots there whenever someone needs it. no questions asked - you're positive? here you go!

my mom is diabetic, and stage 4 renal failure and high blood pressure - covid should have had a field day with her.

She got the shot and was 90% better in 36 hours.

its unreal that THIS shot works 1000% times better than the vaccine - but there are people that don't even know about it.

They have antibodies for 6 months of protection!!! if we all did that from the start???

instead of this insanity

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

traveled there several times in 2021 and 2020.... it's exactly as jnet says. it's almost like "before covid" there. my family always asks when we're moving there too... we had plans - but stayed in Cali.

We are so blessed to be in a county in California that is probably the most relaxed ever - (very similar to Florida actually)