Compute Training Program in the Our School.(Ourselves )

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 


Hi, dear close friends, I hope everyone is well. Today is a favorite day for me. Today, after a long five months, I went to the school premises with a great purpose. Today I was present at the school for all the teachers of the school to take computer training. All the teachers are present together with the permission of the school president. To give and receive training on how Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, graphics design and digital multimedia projectors work on computers. We train each other on how to take classes with the help of multimedia projectors and how to teach students online. From now on, every day from ten to twelve in the morning we will take training and training on computer. We have been training since this morning till 12 noon, we had a great time together.




Badruzzaman Sir, the acting headmaster of the school and all the teachers of the school were present during the training. We hope to increase the efficiency on our computer. I think it's a good initiative. It is very good for all school teachers in Bangladesh to take this training by accepting the distance, that is, the social distance. Because it will increase their skills, as well as students can be cooperated.





I know there is no end to knowledge. A time to acquire knowledge from beginning to end of life. We sat for a long time so maybe we forgot a lot. So through computer training we can wake up our sleeping things. So we should all make good use of this leisure time so that our future is more likely to be bright. Thanks everyone. Stay well. Sorry if wrong.



Last word,

I really miss all my favorite students at school today. I will pray that I meet them again.


Who I am ?

My name is Md. Jahangir Alam. Teacher. Secondary High School, Bangladesh. I spend my leisure time traveling to different places. I am married. I have two daughters. I am willing to fight a lot for my family and I am an independent person. But a very happy dear person. I like to be with everyone.

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