Just Be Yourself

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

Source: CANVA

We all go through life, searching for recognition, searching for our breakthrough to success.

We often refer to someone as "searching for his/her own identity".

Yet, your own identity is right there inside of you. It's just who you are...

Why do we always try to be or become somebody?

Just be you.

Yes, in our striving for success, it's good to consider what other people want. It is good to know what is in demand.

Whether you want to run your own business, or if you want to be a content creator...whatever you want to do, it is good to know what is in demand and provide that to the market.

But don't sacrifice who you are in the process.

We often set out to do something. We get excited and all fired up. We start with enthusiasm and energy.

And then, at the first sign of negative criticism, or the first negative remark we hear, we want to crawl back in our shell and lose all hope of ever making it.

Success has a different meaning for every individual... "yes, yes, we've said that how many times already...".

But it often starts even before we think about achieving success. It starts right at the beginning when we start thinking about what it is we want to do.

And that can be dangerous. Because that can cause us to give up before we've even started.

We would often tend to over-complicate things for ourselves. We think that it has to be complicated to become successful.

And then we read about someone who made a breakthrough and became an overnight success. We read on...and we discover that it was something so simple, so obvious, yet nobody ever thought about doing it...until now.

It doesn't even have to be a new invention. It can be something as simple as washing cars. It's all about your approach.

On the one hand, you can have someone who offers to wash people's cars because he is desperate. The next car he'll wash might be paying for his next meal.

What is our response? "Shame, the poor guy is washing cars to make a living". We might show some respect for the guy due to the fact that at least he's trying...but "shame, he's washing cars".

On the other hand, we might get someone who is creative in the way he sets up a washing-bay for cars and he starts a full-time business with it. It goes well and before long, he starts selling franchise rights to his business, and the next thing we know, he becomes a millionaire through his business.

What do we say now? Both guys are washing cars for a living. It's just their methods that are different. The approach is different.

I can bring that exact same principle right here to the blockchain as well.

Please, this is not referring to any individual in particular. Let's just get that out of the way right from the word go.

Yet, it was a statement that I did read and picked up on shortly after I have arrived here on the blockchain.

I can truly not even remember who the person was or in which community it was. And today, thinking back and knowing what I do know today, probably there was no negative meaning intended either.

But, as a newbie, it made an impression on me and made me think about it for a while...

It was said that "coming here to the blockchain, you need to learn about business. You at least need to aim for developing your own product and start doing proper business. If not, you will always just be a content creator".

So...if I don't have something to sell and start a business, that's all I will ever mount up to...? I'll "just" be a content creator...

Can you see the difference just one little word can make?

No, no, no...!

Never think of it like that.

While there are business owners who become very wealthy, there are also individuals who run businesses and still live normal, ordinary lifestyles. They might be able to make a living from that business, but it's really nothing spectacular.

At the same time, there are content creators who earn a six-or even seven-figure income just from creating content.

A number of years ago I can recall reading about a very successful online blogger. He shared his story and pointed out how he struggled to make any income for something like six or seven years. He always did extensive research and tried to build an audience (or tribe), giving them what he thought they would want to read. He tried and tried...with no success.

Then he decided to just be himself and write what he felt like. He still wrote about topics of interest, but he just said it the way it was in his opinion. He stopped writing the way he thought people wanted to hear it.

To his surprise, he suddenly started getting the results he was always dreaming about.


So, my conclusion is this:

  • Yes, do your research.
  • Yes, do offer content, a product or service that is in demand.


  • Remain yourself. Don't try to become somebody you think other people want you to be.
  • Present your content, product, or service in a way that is unique to you.
  • Never feel inferior about what you do. It's all about how you do it.

Remember this...

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. ~ Steve Jobs

Created In: CANVA

And with that, I leave you for today.

Enjoy the rest of your week, and remember...

Just be your own unique self!

Thank you for reading my post.

Previously posted using Proof of Brain, but I feel this topic is applicable on all platforms, thus I would like to share it here on BLURT as well.

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