What makes you happy? And truly...

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 


I started my habit of writing since 2006. The habit I refer to is this one of coming and exposing thoughts, ideas through a blog, social network or similar.

Since then, the main texts I've written and which I like the most are those that refer to lived moments and emotions. And within these texts I've already written a few times about happiness.

What makes you happy?

That's the question I've been asking people and asking myself since I started to change some habits in my life. And the answer to my happiness doesn't fit for other people. For happiness and the state that makes a person happy is different.

But, the important thing is to know if it is a REAL happiness or just the result of your illusion by searching to fill something empty in your life.

People have the habit of finding in other people something to fill their anguish, loneliness and any other feeling that does not make them happy. If it's not with people, it's with something material, addictions etc... We pay for something that will make us happy for a short period of time, but not satisfyingly natural and organic.

We take the cases of people who live toxic relationships, live longer sad than happy, having partners who are not really adding to their life, on the contrary, it is making their situation worse. But, for some cases of filling needs, loneliness, fear, he continues to live with the person and at certain times he "does" something that makes him happy, but not enough! Not the real one.

Just like the person who ends up spending a lot of money that he doesn't have on buying something, or on food to fill that moment. That act of buying, owning, eating, enjoying these moments is good for you, but it's not real and then the bill arrives and makes you more depressed. I'm not saying it's wrong to spend, but to spend without thinking too much about the consequences and that this later brings you more problems making your situation even worse before that.

Happiness and the state of being happy is the one that arrives without you having to beg, ask, spend (of course it needs our efforts during the day to day), it happens naturally. It leaves you light, calm and calm and does not bring you the fear of losing, even if this happiness passes (because all of them have to pass), soon it returns without you looking for so much.

You will find that you are being happy when you have less "demons on your mind", less stress for things we shouldn't really care about, without being so affected by the daily news and the "toxic" people that we are they surround daily and mainly get rid of some sentimental "ties" that leave you trapped in search of "fake" happiness.

I could go on further by giving several examples, but I want to stop there.

Be HAPPY, but be really HAPPY.

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