You don't have to be perfect to share your wisdom

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

via unsplash

All of us are teachers, and we all teach wisdom/knowledge to others whether we like it or not.

Teachers are not just those who write books or give lectures, or those who teach in classrooms or hold academic titles. Each of us teaches others every day-our children, our loved ones, our families, our friends, our colleagues, and those occasional strangers we cross paths with.

We teach hope or cynicism, kindness or indifference, generosity or selfishness, trust or suspicion, love or indifference.

Andrew Harvey is one of the world's best spiritual writers and one of my favorite mentors. I heard an interview with him by someone else and he said something that struck me. "As a teacher, you must not only burn yourself, but you must help and encourage others so that they can ignite themselves with a burning flame."

As you enter into your new era of wisdom, you must find ways to pass on your flame of wisdom to others. How do you pass it on? Look for opportunities to share the wisdom you have with those who need it.

Just look around and you are sure to find someone who is experiencing despair or confusion at the moment. Share your strength and courage with this person. If you are willing to offer your love, your service and your support, opportunities will automatically present themselves. You don't have to go looking for them yourself; they will find you of their own accord.

You don't have to be perfect in order to share your wisdom. Even if you are in the midst of your own challenges, you can still offer some help to others. The person behind you needs your hand to pull them along.

You may not know how to take the next step and climb the hill in front of you right now, but you have the energy to help the person behind you take their next step and help them get established where you are today.

Once you get through your own challenges and difficulties and get to the other side, you will have priceless wisdom to share with others. As you provide others with the wisdom they need, you yourself will solidify and recognize your own new wisdom.

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