Para ti, futura Mamá | For you, Mother-to-be

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 


Para ti, que ya sabes que late otro corazoncito dentro de tu ser.
Para ti, a quien siempre he visto con amor, a quien siempre he tratado con especial afecto van mis frases. Prepárate física y mentalmente para lo que aún desconoces de la vida. Traer un niño al mundo hoy día no es algo difícil; distintos sistemas y técnicas médicas así lo indican.

Sin embargo, saber ser madre, es difícil, mas se aprende, saber cuando puedes ser cariñosa, o seria o de rigor, sin el temor de fallar, eso también se aprende. Saber cuando eres justa sin que tu hijo piense lo contrario también es tarea difícil pero se aprende.

Saber ubicarte a la edad de él, y jugar como él, y pensar como él, sin dejarte llevar por aquelo de que pensar y actuar como tú, eso es mas dificil pero se aprende.

Pero lo mas difícil es aprender a aprender, tener consciencia que asimilamos las experiencias vividas. Cuando sabemos que algo es malo es porque conocemos con certeza que hay algo mejor.

Aprenderás casi sin darte cuenta, conocerás su cabello, su voz, su psada, su riosa, su silencio, su ropa, sus sentimientos, conocrás sullanto, conocerás sus manos, el olor de su cuerpo. En fin, lo conocerás a él y en ese momento sabrás que has aprendido a conocerlo. Sufrirás con él, con él reirás, cantarás, pelearás y te sentirás la mujer mas orgullosa del mundo cada vez que bajes el rostro en busca de esa vocecita que conoces, que te dirá "Mamá".


For you, who already know that another little heart beats inside your being.
For you, whom I've always seen with love, whom I've always treated with special affection, my phrases go. Prepare yourself physically and mentally for what you still don't know about life. Bringing a child into the world today is not difficult; different medical systems and techniques indicate this.

However, knowing how to be a mother is difficult, but you learn more, knowing when you can be loving, or serious or rigorous, without fear of failure, that is also learned. Knowing when you are fair without your child thinking otherwise is also difficult, but it is learned.

Knowing where you stand at his age, and play like him, and think like him, without getting carried away by what to think and act like you, that is more difficult but you learn.

But the most difficult thing is to learn to learn, to be aware that we assimilate the experiences we have lived. When we know that something is bad, it is because we know with certainty that there is something better.

You will learn almost without realizing it, you will know his hair, his voice, his footprint, his laughter, his silence, his clothes, his feelings, you will know his crying, you will know his hands, the smell of his body. In short, you will know him and in that moment you will know that you have learned to know him. You will suffer with him, you will laugh with him, you will sing, you will fight and you will feel the proudest woman in the world every time you lower your face in search of that little voice you know, which will call you "Mom".

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