Winter Solstice Birth Date of Gods

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

Well Christmas just passed, the supposed birth date of Jesus Christ. Now if you read about a lot of human born Gods you will find a lot of them were born around this date, for example Mithra, Horus, Zarathustra, Krishna and a lot of etcetera's. It seems the date is the cool date for these types of births as it is the approximate date of when the sun makes its comeback and the days start getting longer.

Supposedly Christianity borrowed the date from the Roman Saturnalia, which was of course a festivity devoted to the sun, in order to have people be more welcoming to the new religion and they could carry on celebrating their usual festivities. As a footnote, I am not trying to bash any religion, everyone is free to believe whatever they believe in and far from me to try and make an opinion about that.

But the point I am getting at, and which just struck me the other day, is that the winter solstice, which is what the Romans celebrated, the Saturnalia, is completely different in the southern hemisphere, this happens in June. Now I would like to know if in the Southern regions there are areas where they celebrate the birth of a God in June.

I guess the original populations of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and other southern lands had to have their own Gods and I think that means they were born around June 21. Am I right?

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