Wghat Impact would Extraterrestrials have on us?

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 



There has been a lot of talk since the US Government said they were declassifying their UFO files. As far as I know what they have made available is no major discovery, mostly they just admit, that for years there have been sightings of unusual flying objects by civilians and military alike. Of course the most credible evidence would be from airmen who would know what is normal and what is unusual in the air.

But nothing has been clarified, we are now sure there some strange things flying around up there but we still know nothing about them, are they more advanced human machines? Are they extraterrestrials? Are they a more advanced species living in the center of the planet? Are they from another dimension? Do they look like us?

What I am sure is, if they are extraterrestrials it would be a huge blow to the three major religions, whom all believe we come from a single pair of humans created by God in his image. You know, he had to have done the same thing on other planets so our belief in human exceptionalism would be exposed, we would just be another species in a cluttered Universe. I believe a lot of people would go crazy.

Now I do believe in a Creator, I just don't believe in religion, I also don't believe a Creator would create an infinite Universe and have only us populate it. But I also don't believe in a technically much advanced species which would travel who knows how many light years to just let us look at glances of their machines and leave us guessing.

In the end I think it is like what Socrates is said to have said, something like "All I know is I know nothing". By the way I have seen strange flying objects but have no idea or theory about what they were.

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