Left Wing or Right?

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

The world is a funny place, and one of the funniest things about it,if it weren't for its inherent danger is politics. I mean look all around, you can see countries that have right wing governments wanting to get out of that and countries with left wing governments also wanting out. So what is the good system?

Here in Honduras we had a more or less functional government that made several small changes that helped out the poorer people in the country, unfortunately he aligned himself with the ALBA headed by Hugo Chavez and the far right wing of his own party, plus the farther right wing alternative party and the highly bribable military pulled a coup on him.

They called it a Constitutional succession, I think this was planned by the USA, because after this the same thing has happened in Paraguay, Ukraine, Bolivia etc. It actually was a coup, we had a democratically elected president defenestrated by non elected politicians and the military, using communism as an excuse.

Then we had 12 years of far right wing governments which have us as the country with the highest proportion of poor people in America. The thing you have to see is that this is not an ideological thing, it is that these people who govern like this, whether right or left tend to think they have a God given right to rule and with this also comes the right to steal all they can.

We have just gotten rid of them via an election, in fact we had already voted them out twice but they control the electoral commissions so they count votes however is good for them. Twice the OAS and the EU were convinced the elections were fraudulent but twice the USA imposed their will and gave them the go ahead. This time the difference was just too big to do anything about it.

So Democrats and Republicans both are in on it, but the third time was even worse, Trump backed a person, who first of all violated the constitution by going for reelection and secondly is accused by USA courts of being a drug trafficker. I even was more in favor of Trump during his election because Hillary, if she wasn't behind the coup was at least in favor, but once he allowed this travesty of an election to be accepted he lost any respect I had for him.

So now we are going for a kind of center left government, of course the ruling party accused the elected president of being a communist, but now before they leave they want to make a law making them untouchable for any acts of corruption plus they want military safeguards for themselves, a battalion to protect them which will cost 10 million dollars a year. I hope this law isn't passed if it is, we are going to have a conflict, an armed conflict. And you should know one thing about Honduras we can legally own three weapons. I own none because I have never liked them, but if I want one I can just buy it, the military owns the only gun retailer in the country so you get your permit right at the store, this includes some mighty heavy weapons.

So there you have it, right or left are not much, I think what we need is a small government, but we need free education and free healthcare, less military, more teachers. I think left and right both have some good ideas, unfortunately both have some shitty ones too. In the end it is down to each individual, especially those with power to try to improve things. We need less inequality, all over the world.

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What I think is most important is that you have an opinion. Mine differs from yours in the end, and I can still respect yours. I believe that both sides typically want what is best in the end, but neither can agree on what needs to be done to achieve it.

Free is an interesting word...there's a quote common in America, "There's no such thing as a free lunch." I find that if a service is forced to be free, someone has to be a slave to pay for it...but that's my own opinion.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is not free, everyone has to pitch in, in the rest of the world everyone pays VAT and some pay income tax (by the way not me at least not income tax, I am unemployed, but there is no welfare in Honduras so I have to make do with what I scrape up), if instead of financing the military with that money what is financed is education and health we would be so much better off don't you think. I mean just in the US the military eats up about 1 trillion a year.

The US military expense does eat up a lot. That's for sure. Though it may not be agreed with, it is with good reason in my opinion. Education in America, because that's what I know, was a lot cheaper when the government did not back student loans. When people paid for education with what they had instead of borrowing, education as a whole was much cheaper. Even then, I believe education is still inexpensive if the student is wise about where they obtain their education. For instance, I earned my Bachelor's and Masters degrees for less than $6,000 each. I was selective of the colleges I went to. My brother left school with $260K in student loans, having paid $130K out of pocket from a property he sold. I have a bro-in-law who has over $400K in student loans. Both went to very prestigious universities; however, there are plenty of professionals who have the same education or very similar to it for 1/3 of what they paid. I found a medical school that is $15K/year instead of $20K/semester. People get it in their heads that they have to go to the "name" schools. It just isn't so. Education is affordable. Government subsidizing loans make schools more expensive because they get a blank check to charge more. If they subsidized schools instead of the loans, the education would be cheaper, too, but that shouldn't be the role of government, in my opinion. As for health, there's no such thing as free health care, unless you're making your doctors slaves and their university instructors slaves, too...which I disagree with. If you're willing to go to 12 years of school after graduating from high school, I think that you should get paid more than someone who picked up a liberal studies associates degree after 2 years. It's the law of supply and demand. Just because you want to live longer and the ability to help you live longer exists does not mean you are entitled to that operation/procedure or that doctor's knowledge/skill...again...my opinion.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Just a few minutes ago I read on the Guardian that some Nobel prize winners are asking for every country in the world to reduce their military budgets. I always found it kind of dumb during the cold war each side spending more and more making the other side spend the same amount to in the end reach a stalemate, if one attacked the other it was the end of the world. Would it not have been the same not to spend anything? I mean you were spending on weapons you knew you would never use. Looks like the elites main money horse is making countries and people buy weapons.

There's definitely a point to be made about how much is spent on weapons, but to spend nothing on weapons would also leave a country vulnerable for invasion as one country starts to secretly stockpile while the rest are unaware. I keep a gun near my bed. I don't need a stockpile...I just need one. That's how I see it anyway.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't use guns, probably shoot myself instead of whom I intend to shoot. I have no problem with guns, if you can use them and want one, have one, we can legally have three here in Honduras. In the rural areas there are literally tens of thousands of AK47, don't know if they are still working they are left overs from Nicaragua, but I guess most do work they are supposed to be nearly indestructible.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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