Hurricane ETA

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Things are not looking so good right now, have you seen how the Crypto Market is behaving? A lot of red,I can only hope that after the US elections things will be more stable and we will be able to see some positive signs for alt coins. I guess we all need that.

As for me I have stayed at home since yesterday afternoon, it has been raining continuously, well it really has been on and off for the last 24 hours but it seems the rain is strengthening right now. I have been watching the news and most streets are flooded plus the rivers are already overflowing.

You see we have a hurricane named ETA about 500 Kms from here and it seems that what we are receiving are bands of rain that this hurricane has sent forward. Now this hurricane is expected to hit the Nicaragua northern Caribbean area fully and then will go inland. This is the part I am afraid of, it is expected to be producing enormous amounts of rain by tomorrow and even though its center will not come close to where I live the mountains around here will receive all of this rain so we will have flash floods, rivers overflowing and definitely a very dangerous situation.

We will go later this afternoon, if the rain stops for a while, to Walmart which is just two blocks from my house to buy whatever supplies we need, we do already have some food stored, plus we have some drinking water 5 gallon bottles so it is just making certain we will have food for the next week.

I am posting this now because I wouldn't be surprised if we do lose energy for a couple of days starting tomorrow. So I probably won't have internet access at least for one day, of course this is just something that could happen but the rains are definitely going to happen.

Most of the Caribbean area of Honduras is already flooding and that hurricane is not close at all. I am just putting a picture I found on La Tribuna a local newspaper because even though I would like to post pictures of how the sea is behaving I am not going down to the beach.


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