Honduras Elections

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 


It is over, at least the election for President, the opposition alliance won by a big margin, we only have 67% of the vote officially tallied, but the difference between second and first place is 375,000 votes, we are short of less than 1.2 million votes to be counted so the difference is abismal and uncatchable.

Take in mind that the offiicial party for now have always been experts in buying votes and doing all sorts of underhanded things, yet this time the difference is so obvious that they have already conceded their defeat.

So now what we are really shorty of is who we are getting for congressmen and for mayors in all the country's municipalities. So far everything has been peaceful, I think the losers knew they could not win this so the loss is no surprise to them.

One of the things the new President says she will do is cut ties with Taiwan and sign on Continental China. I think saying this is quite smart, you don't have to do it but it sure makes Taiwan and the US nervous so I think we can expect more investment from them, which is what we need, good paying jobs that keep our people in our country not migrating. And good paying is not that much I daresay a person making $600.00 in Honduras has a very reasonable salary.

Of course we also expect lower fuel prices and no tax hikes, except for the very rich. In any event I think the new government has a lot of opportunities to look for, and I sincerely believe we will be better off.

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