"Overcoming the Effects of Pandemic & Embracing Optimism in Life"

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

With all of the negative events that happened this year, it's obvious why people think of 2020 as the year of pain. I believe that we can all agree that the pandemic is the most troublesome event that affected almost every person in the world; directly and or indirectly.

Because of it, we are now looking at our world differently. And we are now living a different lifestyle.

Many are now jobless while others have switched to different kinds of jobs.

There are people who have retained their jobs but they are now labeled as "front-liners"; the jobs that are dealing directly with the effects of the pandemic.

The difficulties in life could easily lead anyone to think negatively and eventually become pessimistic in life. It may not be easy to find happiness under these circumstances but we should do our part to a least give it a try.

In this case, how do we address the question...

"How to be Happy?"


Let's address it.

Due to the pandemic, the goals that you hope to achieve this year were put on halt or it didn't show any progress at all. That's frustrating. However, it's not something that we should take the blame on. It's a worldwide catastrophe and we are included in it even though we don't have any contribution to it.

Personally, there's nothing that we can do other than to protect ourselves against it. We can only help the situation by preventing ourselves from getting infected thus preventing the spread of the virus.

If in case the pandemic is impeding us from achieving our goals then the best that we could do is to focus on the other goals that are achievable. Don't let the frustration drag you down and prevent you from being happy. There are other aspects of our life that we could work on. If your career goal is unachievable at this moment then it's a good time to focus on achieving your fitness goals.

By doing so, you will be able to channel the negativity into something worthwhile.

A healthy body will stimulate a healthy mind.

And being healthy physically & psychologically will result in a happy life.

Here are the ways that will definitely help you achieve that. These are things that I'm currently applying to myself.

One of the first changes that I practiced in my daily routine is to gain enough sleep. A continuous lack of sleep will slow down our body from repairing the damaged cells caused by stress. So, I would rather get some sleep than staying up late at night watching the news about politics, war, or even pandemic statistics. I think you get my point on this one.


Since getting adequate sleep will give us the energy for the next morning then we should find a way to use that to be physically active. Even simple indoor exercises will do. There are a bunch of instructional videos online that are free. Find something that you will enjoy doing, something easy to start with, and subsequently level up to something more intense.

A simple walk around your surrounding is already a good starting point. Do it as often as every day then you might find yourself jogging a few weeks after.


If you have a dog then this is an opportunity to bond together and develop a routine of daily walks. I'm quite sure that many of you are now working at home and so this could be a good time to get a dog. I got one just a month ago and I'm really glad that I did. Although there's extra work involved, I would say that the joy that my dog brings to our life is more than enough to get me going.


Being active burns a lot of our energy (calories) and so we should refuel ourselves. There is a saying "We are what we eat" which basically means that in order for us to be healthy then we should eat proper food. To put it simply, junk food will make your body feel like junk.

Personally, I'm not very strict about having a healthy diet because I still eat a cheeseburger and fried food. That's because I also like those kinds of food ~ junk :D However, I will always try to avoid them as much as I can and limit my intake to around once or twice a week. And whenever I eat fast-food meals, I will have something healthy on the next day to balance my diet.

For me, I try to eat a variety of food that is made in a variety of cooking methods as well. I eat dishes that are boiled, sauteed, and fried food. Not all at the same time but I try different types of dishes once in a while.

Lastly, find a hobby that will relieve your stresses or anxieties. I couldn't press this enough, stress is a silent killer. It's the worst thing that could bear in your life and you wouldn't know it until the symptoms appear. There's a lot of sources of it; news, social media, workplace, and even from your family or friends. No one is exempted and everyone undergoes it at some point in their life.

If you're under stress and you feel like you can't handle it by yourself then I suggest you talk to a person that can help you go through it. That person could be one of your friends, a member of your family, or even a therapist. What I'm trying to say is that it would help if you can communicate with another person about your pain instead of dealing with it by yourself even if you can't.

During this pandemic, having sound physical, emotional, & mental health is crucial in getting through this trial in our life. Don't let it bring you down. The virus may be fatal to us but we as a human being is equipped with knowledge and strength to deal against it.

Always remember, realize whenever and wherever possible.


Thank you for viewing my post.

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image credit to @priyanarc


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