Distant Shores

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

I look over and see that that look has fallen upon your face,
That tells me your head has taken you to a different place,
That the dark thoughts that often occupy your mind,
Have led you far away,
Leaving me behind.
I reach over and place my hand on your knee,
Letting you know I'm here,
Should you need me to be.
I won't pretend to understand what it's like in your head,
I won't pretend that I know the wars in your heart,
All I can see and all I can feel,
Is that whatever's there is tearing you apart.


I see you looking over with curiosity in your eyes,
Wondering what is going on in my mind this time,
It hurts me to say that I just can't explain,
Sometimes my thoughts just carry me away.
The emotions I suppress start to take ahold,
I just need a little time to gain back control.
I know you want to help,
But I can never let you in,
I must fight this war alone,
As my demons battle for dominance within.

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