Ideas And Moods That Change By Age Groups

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 


Thoughts of the same person at different ages may contain changes.

10's 20's 30's 40's are different.

As the experience gained increases, it reflects on our thoughts, unlike the youth periods when we are impulsive and aggressive, the 30s contain stagnation and we can stay calmer.

Contrary to the years when I once had a nationalist approach, I now think that humanity and humane life should come before borders. Country borders and flags are important but no more than humanity.

In this sense, I think that adopting world citizenship instead of national citizenship will benefit both the planet and humanity.

I couldn't explain my current state and my thoughts to my 20s. I'm sure he wouldn't have listened even if I told him anyway, because at that time I had a very impulsive and easily angered nature.

The atmosphere would be tense and I'm sure my youth would beat my middle age into the house. My middle age didn't hold grudges and forgave, but my youth was too blind to admit it was wrong.

Everyone has an ignorant period, and my most ignorant period was when I was at the end of my education. It took me a while to realize that life is not all about books and that everything we are taught is not the only truth, and I had many bitter experiences during this time. Every experience is a lesson and leaves marks on the body, mind or heart.

Some of my most painful experiences; it belonged to when I was looking for a job and working in temporary jobs. Before I finished school, I realized that not everyone cares about the diploma, the pain and the most real state of life was standing in front of me with all its cruelty.

If we go back further, the process starting from the age of 10 was a rosy dream for me. Everything would come to be done very simply and quickly. I used to think that people adopted a lazy and monotonous way of life, and I thought they did not want development and development themselves.

Paying rent, meeting monthly needs, and paying bills would come easy to me, and I would think there would be loads of money left for fun and vacations. When my allowance was cut, I thought my parents were doing it arbitrarily, trying to discipline me for lack of money.

Adolescence was like an action movie. I will always be the only truth, I will always say what I say and my voice will be higher than everyone else.

Fortunately, we reached the age of 30 safely and started to reap the fruits of our experiences. I am floating on my back in my own water like a fish passing through the windless, calm and sunny times of a more stable life.

I no longer harm anyone, I think of ideas including how I can contribute to the smooth living of different lives and implement some of them. I am not alone in this, we are working with a group of people. What I mean is to regularly meet the needs of stray animals and poultry that suffer in harsh winter or summer conditions.

Since this is a completely voluntary job, there is no economic return, but it has a side effect such as easing the conscience. That's enough for me.

I remember the poem "invitation" by "Can Yücel", about the same person having different thoughts about different age groups.

In his poetry, the poet puts his 20-year-old self, his 35-year-old self, his 40-year-old state and his present form on a table.

Age 20 sits opposite the age of 35. The 40-year-old version of the present is in front of him and they start the conversation.

The 20-year-old finds the 35-year-old conservative, and the 40-year-old says that both (20-35 years old) are idiots. Today's age, trying to calm them all, they all say "don't get involved, old man".

I don't include it in the article because the English translation of the poem will distort its meaning, but it is one of my favorite poems. It is a beautifully thought-out work in terms of reflecting our differences of opinion in different age groups.

The fact that your creations are still loved after your death is one of the best ways to be remembered.

Even if the owner of every beautiful work dies, the work he left lives on for centuries.

This article was taken from my read account.

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I don’t rly like following ages, Im 40 now and still live like a 27 year old maybe, a little more life savy but I feel the exact same as I did then really just more emotionally mature. My bf is 27 and I feel very compatible energy, mentally and where we both are in life.