I am baffled for you are using the very same argument which the powers to be use themselves:
My preferences are not important right now - if there are bigger things to address...
I would say that there are no bigger things for me to address directly. If I do that, I step into the trap that is laid out. First and foremost I can only refer to what I perceive about reality. It can't be otherwise. Make the test: Try not to think about your preferences and instead think only in terms of other peoples preferences, actions and inactions.
I address the bigger things in not directly targeting them, not aiming straightforward but in circumventing the yes and no answers, the either or questions. My view of making my life more peaceful is to not become grim in that game.
You can safe someone from misery when you don't try hard to safe them from misery, only when you play it lightly - like something you would enjoy to witness but not at all costs. You cannot be sure about someones misery, because if expressed straightforward someone may even answer: "what misery do you mean?! I am not miserable!" and when you argue someones perceived misery in pointing out that there is no need for misery, even the very same person may answer: "I just told you, that I am hurt! You know nothing about me, so keep it to yourself!" HaHa!
Lol...I like you- a lot .... but I don't trust you. (no offence taken, I would hope)
I am alright with that. But this then actually can lead you to the same realization that you yourself are not trusted either (I am not talking about me, it is not something I have hard feelings about). As I said, it's almost impossible to create binding and intimate relationships as internet-persons. To welcome advice one needs the mandate in doing so. Even in long term friendships where there is a certain basis for mutual trust there are times in which this trust is not stable. How can it be more ideal on the Internet?
Hence my question: what if the founder of blurt had agreed with you? What if he had actually called the user exploitative and misbehaving, publicly?
Cool .
There I disagree. I find it not only uncool but see it as something you seemed to argue against all the time (?). If a person with power acts in your favor, it's alright, and if a person of power does not act in your favor, it's not alright. So there is the double standard, don't you see?
... There is convention about the fact that talking to a person is always better than talking about this person. You use too much of the talking abouts or tagging the usernames. That is perceived as uncool (immoral), I can assure you, not many people will take that lightly, even if the pretend they do.
I think if you ente rnto the public forum and speak your truth, by defualt you're putting yourself f in line for criticism, praise, - good and bad - postive and negative - but you are choosing to put yourself into the public square, and all that comes with that..
right, I agree and I see it somewhat similar. But you cannot make another one viewing this in the same way. Also, this realization is weakened by yourself in the complaints about losing your income. If you are fine with that sacrifices, be fine. Why mentioning it any further?
that would, logically speaking, mean that any communication /argument/debate- is pointless?...I disagree (using anecdotal evidence)
Yes, it's pointless, "IF the other person insists on his/her interpretation".
I did not say that "any communication" etc. is pointless, otherwise I would not converse with you. I mean, how often would you need to hear a "no" from someone before you take it as a "no"?
I would love to spend my time on here doing nothing but funny shit, telling tales of a nutty life, etc-
HaHa! Allow me to doubt it.
My man does not let me get away with that kind of statements, ever. I love him for that. If I state that " I really would love to..." he asks: "And, why don't you then?" And if I find all kinds of arguments, in particular the greater good, he either starts to laugh or ridicule me. Or provokes me until my blood boils.
Why not focus onto these things for a relevant time?
Would you not welcome it yourself to get out of those loops and experience something utterly different?
To sound a bit pathetic, I would not ask you to sacrifice anything for "humans" or for "me". Give yourself freely and sponaneiously, no?