Sports should be one of our priority list in the upcoming days. It is very much expected especially in this winter season to play some badminton for being active. Couple of photographs you can see in this post which is basically part of the badminton tournament arranged at my workplace among my colleagues. Especially in the winter season we enjoy this tournament very much because this is one of the important and vital part of our engagement and activeness in the evening time of the season. With this tournament physically can enjoy and with that we can increase our bonding and cooperation as well. Being a part of the arranger of this tournament I am very much happy. In sports events I always try to participate spontaneously. This is my natural habit from the very beginning of my life journey. I am not a good sports man but I try to participate in all kind of sports because it is the best way to maintain our fitness level and burn the calories.
Result is not the vital part of the tournament obviously but participation is much more important which I I think most. Unfortunately this time I have dropped out from the tournament very early on from the first stage of the tournament. In last near to the Mint I could manage a will but this time I couldn't manage any but still I am happy with that. Thank you very much for sharing for stopping by.
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This is Saiful’s Classroom from @engrsayful
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