The importance of punctuality

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 


"Being on time for appointments and meetings is a phase of self-discipline and evidence of self-respect. Punctuality is a compliment that the polite person pays to his associates".
Marvin J. Ashton

One of the virtues where a high degree of spiritual progress is most demonstrated is punctuality, and it is one of the habits of successful people. Punctuality is synonymous with responsibility, order, respect, consideration, and justice. However, punctuality varies according to the culture or customs of each country. For example, in Venezuela, it is considered "normal" to arrive half an hour or an hour late to a meeting, while in other cultures, such as in Japan, to arrive half an hour or an hour late to a meeting is considered an insult or lack of respect.

When we feel a natural concern within us to arrive on time for an appointment, work, or any event that is scheduled in our daily agenda, it is an unmistakable demonstration of the respect we feel for those of us who have committed to any type of activity.


Many times we see people who don't care if they are late for an appointment or worse, don't show up because they decided not to attend at the last minute; this attitude reflects the type of person being treated.

Another very important aspect in the fulfillment of this duty is the payment of acquired debts because when we make the commitment to pay correctly and punctually a debt, we must honor that commitment with the greatest possible responsibility and consideration, respecting the agreement that was made previously. Many people do not care to look bad in the payment or not pay in the agreed time, losing credibility and confidence, since this in addition to being irresponsible is a defect or vice very difficult to correct.

Nobody trusts the irresponsible with a commitment and this personal defect, being very evident, is spread among all the people in their family or work environment, even being canceled in all the commitments due to their bad reputation. On the other hand, those who are punctual in their payment commitments enjoy an admirable trust; this is because punctuality generates trust, respect, and admiration.

To know in which group we are, let's evaluate our behavior, for example when we feel that we are going to be late for an engagement, what do we do? Do we care if we are late or do we worry and do our best to be on time? Another example is when we owe an amount of money and when the agreed deadline arrives we don't have to pay on time, what do we do, are we indifferent and ready to give any excuse or do we worry about not being able to fulfill our commitment?

These examples determine the degree of punctuality we have as people, of responsibility, of respect and consideration for others and the degree of spiritual progress we have.

Punctuality is an example that we must give to our children if we want to have responsible and respectful children who are admired and respected by others and thus contribute to having a better society promoted, the culture of punctuality.


And you, do you arrive punctually to your appointments?

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