To be in environmentalism is to return to our biological essence, we are part of Mother Earth, our planet. Since childhood we feel the need to step barefoot on the ground, walk in the mountains, swim in the river or the sea, breathe the air that comes down from the mountains, have a discouraged meeting of the functioning of humanity as a society.
In environmentalism we have developed activities that connect us to our Mother Earth among others:
water day (march 22),
Bibliographic References
day of the rivers (march 14)
day of the sea (march 17) and of the oceans (june 8)
Mother Earth Day (April 22)
day of the environment (June 5), day of the mangroves (July 26)
world beach day (every third saturday of september)
tree hugging activities (every November)
day of the mountains (december 11).
In a certain sector of environmentalism and other sectors, they have developed this theme as part of their life and as part of their health, these events are all year round. This contact with our Mother Earth, with its factors, they call it "earthing" or "grounding", is the connection with the electronic currents of the planet. Its foundations are in the isolation that we have developed with our clothes and shoes, with our constructions and carpets, with our ways of moving (vehicles), in general. We no longer touch the earth through the use of shoes, cement, carpets and asphalt.
This contact with our Mother Earth and its factors allows us to make physiological changes, an exchange with our free electrons, decreasing the storage capacity of free radicals, which some point out as the cause of early tissue aging. Who hasn't had a spark and they tell us: - "there is static energy".
Meeting Irene Artavia from Costa Rica, Alfredo Borges and Gipsy Rangel based in the United States, Jaquelin Perez, Beatriz Nava, Oris Zerpa, Rosa Rios, Adelcris Aguilera, Jose Rafael Hernandez F. and Maria Eugenia de Hernandez, based in Venezuela, hundreds of environmentalists, was to share the pleasure of contemplating, embracing and protecting the trees with the energy and de-stressing that it implies.
Embracing a tree gives us back contact with our nature, so it de-stresses us and puts us in electrical tune with our planet, explained Irene and Jaquelin, leads us to poetic creativity say the Hernandez couple. Perhaps also for being part of our evolution to have transited from the origins in the primates to the hominids, in our hidden conscience must be the security of being sheltered by a tree, we explain in NATURAZUL and Amigos del Bosque, we say Beatriz, Oris, Rosa, Adelcris and this author.
But let us return to the followers of "earthing" or "grounding", an author, James Oschman, assures the benefits of sleeping without interference with our planet, touching ground: it improves the circadian rhythm with greater ease of sleep, decreases pain and inflammation, decreases free radicals. (1)
A group of researchers, led by Chevalier, radicalized the connection with direct connection to the ground through electrodes in hands and feet, measuring the capacity of electrophoretic mobility of red blood cells. Although the sampling was small, they reduced the aggregability of red blood cells (according to their conclusions, the viscosity and agglutination of blood decreases) (2). The same researcher, Chavelier, published the changes that occur with "earthing" or "grounding" in skin conductance (decreased), blood oxygenation (increased), respiratory rate (increased), and perfusion index (increased). This study involved 14 double-blind patients (neither the investigator nor the patient knew whether or not they were connected) (3). The important thing about the studies is that, from a research point of view, some changes in people's physiology are achieved.
We do not pretend that the above-mentioned investigations cause us to seek to connect with cables to the ground "to discharge". But we do recommend that it "touches" the environment and its factors, nature. I remember my grandmother being a promoter of "earthing" or "grounding", when she told my mother to leave us barefoot so that we would have more health and less illness. With that we remember that since we are part of the species homo sapiens, we are from the animal kingdom and the order of primates, from the hominid family. That we are part of Mother Earth, our planet, and that we must have a real connection with her.
(1)Oschman, James L. Can electrons act as antioxidants? A review and commentary. J Altern Complement Med. 2007 Nov;13(9):955-67.doi: 10.1089/acm.2007.7048.
(2)Chevalier, Gaétan; Sinatra, Stephen T; Oschman, James L; Delany, Richard M. Earthing (grounding) the human body reduces blood viscosity-a major factor in cardiovascular disese. J Altern Complement Med.2013 Feb; 19(2):102-10. Doi: 10.1089/acm.2011.0820. Epub 2012 jul 3.
(3)Chevalier, Gaétan. Change in pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygenation, perfusion index, skin conductance, and their variability induced duringand after grounding human subjectsfor 40 minutes. J Altern Complement Med.2010 Jan;16(1):81-7.doi: 10.1089<7acm.2009.0278