My Kids' Visit to their Grandparents

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 


My kids were very happy again yesterday because we got the chance to visit their grandparents. They also met my Mom's new puppies too. Now, my Mom has twenty dogs in the house.

The puppy in the photo is Suzzie. The very first puppy I saw that has a brown nose. Normally, a dog's nose is black right? She's really adorable and very behave. She don't like mingling with other puppies and dogs. She always stays at my Mom's laundry area alone. Maybe she liked it there because it's cold. She always sleeps. She's a loner I think.


My son wants yo bring Suzzie with us when we went home. But I declined because we already have four dogs, and I suspect our dog Jill is already pregnant. Also, my stepdad won't allow Suzzie to leave them. He loves her very much!

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