Finalizando la cosecha de el aguacate! Finalizing the avocado harvest!

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Hoy fui a mi parcela a dar una vuelta y a terminar de recoger los aguacate que quedaban en una de las plantas, ya que de las tres que tengo sembradas, solo a una le quedan ya pocos,y hoy fui a agarre algunos, por que estaban tres muy lejos y las ramas eran muy delgadas y podía quebrarse y caerme, doy gracias a dios que logre comer bastante aguacate de mi cosecha.

Today I went to my plot to take a walk and finish picking the avocados that were left in one of the plants, since of the three that I have planted, only one has a few left, and today I went to grab some, because they were Three very far away and the branches were very thin and could break and fall, I thank God that I managed to eat enough avocado from my harvest.

Esta clase de aguacate es una de las mas sabrosas que tengo en mi parcela, me la regalo un primo que vive en el estado moragas y es la segunda vez que da frutos..

This kind of avocado is one of the tastiest I have on my plot, it was given to me by a cousin who lives in the state of Moragas and it is the second time that it bears fruit.



Todas estas fotografías fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular ZTE maven2.

All these pictures were taken with my ZTE maven2 cell phone.

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