Look at the beadwork on her belt. Every bead, handsewn. So precise their work is.

Never too young to learn the culture and its ways.

If you ever get the opportunity to go to a Pow Wow, I kindly remind you to respect their ways. Although most are public events, they are culturally significant events to the Native Americans. Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!
Most are not participating right now and they hope to be back, dancing and singing the circle again!
Wonderful. This is my heritage. My great great grandmother is Chippewa (Ojibwe) from Mackinaw Island in Michigan. My cousins all live on Manitoulin Island on Lake Huron.... We go to see the Powows there. I am Metis .... 1/2 Ojibwe other half a mix of French Canadian, Italian and Irish.
That is so cool!! I love watching this amazing cultural event. I spent a lot of time in the UP and familiar with the Chippewa. My neighbor is 1/2 Chippewa and the daughters did a ceremony making them part of the tribe.
Yes. Lots of Chippewa ( Ojibwe) up here .... we all have our little cabins on Lake Superior, Huron and Michigan. Passed from generation to generation. The British Empire gave all kinds of land to my great great grandfather along the shore of Lake Huron (sandy beaches in Tiny Ontario) after helping the British Army escape from Mackinaw and Drummond Island to Penetanguishene Ontario after the War of 1812. He turned down the offer and moved back to Quebec ???? Those properties go for millions now. Oh well.
Hello dear friend @dswigle good night
What beautiful images you show us today, in addition to the culture of these natives. It is good to see how parents prepare children to keep traditions alive.
Thank you very much for letting us know these beautiful images and their symbolism
have a wonderful afternoon