Little Nightmares - One of the creepiest and most beautiful games I have played

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 



Such an amazing experience


Little Nightmares was a game that I had never heard of until I came across this post by @angeru64 and I am glad that I found it. It was just to weird of game to pass up, so I looked more into it.


As you can see from the trailer, nothing is really explained, but just leaves you wondering what is going on in that creepy world.

Well, once you start playing, nothing is explained either, but the game does an amazing job at pulling you into the world that they have created. There are no tutorials explaining how to play, or any backstory that tells you what is going on. You are just thrust into this world and begin exploring.


As you enter the world, your character, named Six, wakes up from a dream where she saw a creepy looking Geisha lady. Six is alone in this dark ship called The Maw.


Armed with only a lighter, you set off on your journey to escape or something. It is not clear at this point what you are even doing. This whole game is wrapped in mystery and theories about the story. I have watched several YouTube videos and there are websites dedicated to what is going on in this game.

The games greatest strength is its way to pull you into the world and make you vested in the survival of your little fragile character.


The gameplay is mostly moving from one room to another as you make your way through the depths of The Maw. You do this by climbing around the room, moving items to get a better vantage point and exploring ways to get to the next area.

Exploration is key to this game because it does not hold your hand and tell you what to do. I still have no clue what is going on in the game, but I keep going back to it to see where the story goes.


The lighting effects and atmosphere in this game are beautiful. In this room, you need to stay in the shadow and make your way from one side to the other by walking with a can full of janitor supplies that moves with the rocking of the ship.

If you are caught in the light, a shrill sound begins and Six is basically frozen in place and turned into a statue. As you move around the rooms with this light in it, you see many different small people that have been turned into statues.


Soon after beginning, you are introduced to this dude with crazy long arms. You learn that he is blind but can hear really good, so watching your step is very important when you are around him or he will snatch you up and you die.


One of the things I really like about this game is the character design. They devs did a great job making the big people super creepy. There is so much in the details of this game that make it so easy to be absorbed in its world.


I have no clue what was chasing me in this room full of shoes and I kind of wanted to let my character get caught just so I would find out.


I am not sure how far into the game I am right now. I still haven't come across the huge fat people that look like they will eat you if you get caught. I can't wait to get through this game and see if anything ever gets explained. I am sure a lot of answers will be revealed from multiple play throughs.

I purchased the game for the Nintendo Switch and it came with all of the DLC, so I think there is going to be quite a bit to this game.


Little Nightmares 2 was recently announced and it looks even crazier than this one is. I can't wait to get it once I am done with this first game.

Overall, Little Nightmares is an amazing game. The graphics and sound design are beautiful and really pull you into the world. I loved how this game doesn't really tell you anything, but just pushes you out on an adventure full of exploration and trial and error. If you have the opportunity to play this game, I highly recommend it.

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