It's been a week and I am not getting any better

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

At least I got my homies


So a week later and I am still having trouble sleeping because of the pain and I can't walk around the house without assistance. I think my crash was a bit worse than I had originally suspected.


Photo taken by my wife

The back of my knee is where most of the bruising is and is is going up my thigh and down my leg into my calf. The side of my leg at the knee and below is where most of the pain is.

I have an appointment coming up with an orthopedic doctor and we will determine if I need surgery or not.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Keiichi and Rusty know something is wrong and spend a lot of time cuddling with me and sleeping with me at night, when I am able to actually fall asleep. I have not taken any conventional medication for the pain because all they did was prescribe me a few different opioids. I have been using a high CBD strain of cannabis for the pain.

I am about to go and pick up some edibles from the dispensary because the edibles should last a lot longer through the night and allow me to sleep more. Cannabis has truly been a life saver during this past week and I have been microdosing throughout the day to deal with the pain.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Hopefully the hard fork continues to run smoothly and without any hiccups. Today is a pretty exciting day for the Hive Blockchain and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us all.

I hope you all have an awesome rest of the day. As for now, my wife and I will be heading out and getting some Thai food for lunch. It is gonna be nice to get out of the house for a bit.

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