Happy Birthday to my partner in crime

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

The big 36


It is crazy to think that I have been with this woman for over almost 20 years now. We have been through so much in our time together, and against all odds, we have made it through and are closer and stronger than ever.

I got lucky so long ago that I found her. She is the rock that has helped me through my darkest times and is always there for me, no matter what. I can't imagine life without her.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

I had a custom cake made, which I probably paid WAY too much for. Hopefully it tastes good. It is a chocolate cake on the bottom layer and a small vanilla cake on the top layer. Since there is all this covid crap going on, we won't be having a party, but at least that means that there is going to be more cake and ice cream for us.



I wanted to get a piñata for her birthday, but she didn't want one because it was just going to be our family. That is the best time to have a piñata because you don't have to share as much of the candy with people. I think I might still go and get one while she is out getting her hair done. There is a really cool taco piñata at Walmart that I could get.



I hope that this whole corona virus crap is gone by next year so that we can have a real party. Hopefully we aren't old farts by the time we can have a party again.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

The main thing that we are looking forward to together is being able to travel again and see the world. It has been too long since we went anywhere together and we both really need the beach right now. Winter is starting early here in Utah and I don't know how much longer we can deal with the cold.

Well, I am going to get going and get some stuff cleaned up around the house and see if I have time to get a piñata before she gets home. Gotta get ready for our little party. I hope you all are having an awesome week so far.

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