Gardening and dogs

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions



A few days ago, before my accident, I planted some mums in my backyard. I read that they are really easy plants to care for and can handle the winters here in Utah, so I decided we needed to beautify our rocks in the backyard.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Over the past few days since I planted them, they started to open up more and bloom. They have a really nice color that they add to the rocks and really brighten up the area. Too bad I only got 5 of them because we really need some more to fill up the whole area.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Now if I could just get this doofus here to quit pissing on them. I swear, the first plant had only been in the ground for about 5 minutes when he comes over, lifts his leg and pees all over them. It may have been his way of welcoming the plant to the backyard. Or he was showing dominance and letting the plant know that this is his yard. Who knows what this goof ball is thinking...


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Do you have dogs? If you do, do they always close their eyes when you try and get pictures of them? Maybe it is just my dogs and doing this is their way of letting me know they are sick of getting their picture taken, so they try and sabotage them.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

So many of my pictures of Titus ended up like this where he seems to be laughing at me because his eyes are closed.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Titus is such a weirdo and probably gets sick of me always taking pictures of him.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

How could I resist taking a lot of pictures of him when he looks at me like this?


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

We have a cold front coming through right now and the wind is starting to pick up and he loves to sit outside in the breeze. He gets so hot outside during the summers here and he loves when the weather gets colder. He knows that it means that he can cuddle longer with us without getting too hot.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

At least the mums are fall bloomers, so even when it starts to cool off, these things will be in full bloom. Hopefully they don't look stupid all spring and summer and only have color in the fall. Now I just need to get some more of them and get some different colors so we can have them all over the yard.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I didn't know you had an accident. I hope you are okay. :(

They will be twice the size next year. Keep that in mind when planting. They spread out the next year. They are a pretty color. The other thing that bloomss well in the fall through the spring are pansies and snapdragons, if you are looking for variety. They may die off after frost, but, they come back all by themselves for a little spring color.

Sometimes they mums grow rangy and then I cut them back at the beginning of summer and they regrow in time to bloom for fall. I don't like just the green plant all spring and fall.

I do love the color and I am sure it makes your yard look pretty.

Thanks for the tips. I will have to see if I can find any pansies or snapdragons. As far as my accident, I crashed my OneWheel and tore the ligaments in my leg, so I have been trying to recover the past 4 days or so.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

OMG! Now THAT hurts! I love the OneWheels (to watch, not to try!) and hope that the recovery goes well. Geez, you don't go halfway, do you?

You should have no problem finding them now. Don't worry if they look like they die. I promise they will come back in the spring and you will be so happy you bought them. Throw in a few daffodil bulbs around the yard for a real punch of color in the early spring. They make such a happy presence!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

PS... my dog never closed her eyes! That is so cool