November 3rd, 2020: Gratitude for Every Small Thing — Ulog No. 13

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

It has been a while since I last poked my nose in here...

Life has been busy; the ongoing economic uncertainty has weighed heavily on us... since we are both self-employed, and people in general seem to feel economically nervous and less inclined to spend anything.

It's a cycle that goes round and round.

Autumn leaf

Declining eBay Results

One of the things that kept me busy for a while was working on putting a lot of things out for auction on eBay.

The auctions have been and gone, and I finally finished packing and mailing out things to buyers today.

On one level, it was all a sad failure and exercise in futility... I had (conservatively) hoped for sales of about $1,000, but the final result was just $350, which was rather a bummer.

Alas, I find that I have arrived at a place where I have gratitude for anything that amounts to "more than zero."

Every penny counts.

All I can say is that I feel grateful for knowing a lot of different things to do with rice!

Solitary bord on a branch

So, There's an Election...

I suppose no post today would be complete without mention of the US Presidential election.

Honestly, I have no idea how the result will turn out.

What I do worry about, is "People Behaving Badly," no matter what the result is.

With every day that passes, it seems like we become more and more like some kind of tribal primitives who run around shooting guns into the air, every time there's some kind of events... oblivious to the fact that those bullets have to come down somewhere.

Thoughtlessness abounds.

Evening light

November is NaNoWriMo

As a writer, I have always been interested in "NaNoWriMo," which happens every November.

It's actually an acronym for "National Novel Writing Month," but it actually has expanded to be wordwide, and is no longer limited to just "novels."

As a concept, it fascinates me... and yet, I have never been able to actually complete the challenge. The requirement is to create a 50,000-word manuscript during the month of November.

As much as I write, seems like it would be imminently doable.

Sun before an autumn storm

The "problem" for me is that I tend to write (and think) in short little bits, not on book length manuscript form... my ideas are all over the place... which is fine for blogging, but pretty useless if you're trying to tell a 200-page story!

At this point in life, I just watch and applaud others who do seem able to keep a single thread going for 50,000 words!

And that about does it for this update... thanks for reading, as always!

DO leave me a comment — engagement matters! How do YOU feel about the US election? Are you part of NaNoWriMo? How has COVID affected your personal economics? Communities are built because people INTERACT with each other through the content that's created! So share your opinion, be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer all worthy comments!

Sequence: 026 — Timestamp: 2020.11.03 - 15:02 PST

All content and photos by the author unless otherwise specified — this is UNIQUE content, created expressly for this platform. NO CROSS-POSTING!

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