Electroculture: New Way to Farm (Outside of a Collapsing Supply Chain)

in blurtlife •  last year 


Electroculture: New Way to Farm (Outside of a Collapsing Supply Chain)
@samstonehill may enjoy this episode especially~!

Adapt 2030
176K subscribers
11,341 views Mar 2, 2023




Your Guide to Which Countries Will be Civil Unrest Hotspots First

Adapt 2030
176K subscribers
20,387 views Mar 1, 2023

Working to find a formula that will point out the food inflation and energy declines across the planet, some of these overlap and point to these countries becoming civil unrest hotspots. Its all about seeing how the world moves in front of us to predict the same coming to our shores. (The distant early warning formula)

History Repeats 2023 Food Rationing Begins

Adapt 2030
176K subscribers
18,512 views Feb 28, 2023

UK begins rationing vegetables as Morocco hits massive crop loss wall and suspends exports along with abnormal cold reducing Spanish production. Agricultural traders across the planet see nothing but upward prices for all grains and the black horse signals the arrival of the famines.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Nice find. Funnily enough I used to chat with David, about grand solar minimum stuff. Good to see him finally catching up to electroculture. Some interesting pics in there too. Like that machine from 1755! Amazing to see. Almost like the further back we go, the more advanced our electroculture systems were.

  ·  last year  ·  

Interesting, it looks easy enough too (twirling a cooper wire around a stick and plant it in the ground). I will try and stick a few this summer, too curious to let it pass by (I am very curious). Great info

Yep, check out @samstonehill posts to see his progress in his 'Electrified' vegetable garden so far...

From free energy to electroculture: a breakdown of my recent posts 🌱⚡️💡

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for the info (I just quickly checked the posts out), seems to be a lot of interesting things in there :-)