Splinterlands weekly battle share challenge with Theme- Defender of the Truth

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Hi beautiful gaming world!
This is my weekly battle share challenge with Theme # Defender of the Truth.


This is one of the best Epic monster from Life splinter.. I was willing since very long time to have this wonderful monster with level-3 in my card wallet but I fail to pick it up. Finally I decided to have at least one card, so that I can play battle with it and make a post for weekly battle sharechallenge. As you know if you are in leaderboard that time you have to choose your card very carefully before landing in battle ground.. I was not in condition to take any risk, so I wait until I get weak opponent team for the battle with theme Defender of the truth. As season moves forward rating becomes more important for us. No one wants to lose any battle especially against low rating opponent team. Otherwise it disturb your rating and leaderboard too.
Now have a look about Defender of the truth's specification and utility.



Splinter-Life Edition - Beta Rarity- Epic Circulation - 2324 Price - $1.129 with level-1

Defender of the truth is one of the most useful Epic monster from Life splinter with 4 Mana.
At level-III it provide protection for all friendly monster with two armour.
I have lost few battles against this monster especially in Mana restriction game. Till the end of the season, I am thinking to upgrade it in to level III.


It was very low Mana cast( just 17) battle, in which I have to choose best card in low Mana battle. When I check out my opponent #WILDBIRD's recent playing team, then I found that his rating is very low with 4 level summoner.. I want to go with strong one team but there was a opportunity too, to win the battle with Theme card. Finally, I take a chance and decided to play with defender of the truth, so that I can make a post for weekly battle share challenge.. When both team revealed our card, then I found that my opponent was trying to finish their #quest that is why he came with #Fire splinter with all level-1 card. I was happy because I was assured to win the battle.. and decided to play the battle with DICE summoner #Lorna Shine* in which all monster have > Divine Shield : The first time the Monster takes damage it is ignored.>


It was just 17 Mana battle and in this battle Mana restriction was too applied. I have to choose life splinter because Defender of the truth is belong to this splinter. It taken just four round to finish the battle.


For the first there was three reason to choose crystal werewolf for the first place. First I was using #Dice summoner so first time devine sailed protects first damages from the opponent team. Second with the level- 5, it has thorn ability. Third is in Mana restriction it becomes more effective due to high (6) life . Opponent's 3 card were Melee attack ability, so it was like a blessing for me due to its thorn ability. You can see that from my side no card was damaged. To be honest every Mana restriction battle, definitely I like to use crystal werewolf.


I think there is no need to explain briefly about it. Its utility always be great in low mana battle. It is a neutral monster with rare rarity without any Mana. I placed for second position because I was ready for blast ability monster. I do not want to lose any important card initiatily in low mana battle. At least it can ignore damages two time.


Divine Healer.pngsource

To support front monster with heal tank I placed Divine healer in third position. It is a neutral monster with heal tank ability. Such healing tank monster''s important always be great in low mana battle. With level 1 it restores a portion of the Monster in the first position's health each round. I always be in the favour of Divine healer especially in low mana battle.



It has been my favourite one Epic monster from previous two month but I fail to bought it.. Suddenly when I saw that this week's theme card is defender of the truth, then decided to at least buy level 1 and play with it. With level III it becomes more effective due to gaining each monster 2 armour. Its magic attack always be effective when opponent team come with maximum armour..
Overall this is nice one monster.


This is wonderful rare life monster with one life. With level 5 it's be more effective due to increasing all friendly monsters speed..even with the level 1 it removes all negative effects first position card. This is melee attack card. Placing at last there was only one reason, at least can save middle cards at least two time.

●Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

To be honest when I buy new card that time I try to do experiment to know the utility of the card, but when I have to save my rating that time I never go for any experiment.. I think if you read the games rule and place your monsters according to that then there is much chances that you can defeat even high levels card holder than you. Of course my strategy works well because I read battle rule and check opponent recent use team before land in battle.

●Do you like the DEFENDER OF TRUTH? Why or why not?

Of course I like Defender of the truth very much. Unfortunately I have only level 1 card that I bought one day before. Although I want to take it in level 3. Soon I will buy rest of the card, so that I can combine it..
Here is the video link of my battle-

Here you can have fun with link of My battle-


Here is the some footage of My battle..-

All images
Looking for someone opportunity to participate in weekly battle share challenge then check out this original post by #splinterlands


Above all photographs and images are not mine, taken from gaming platform HERE


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